Our new company car!
Here it is:
It's a 1996 Buick Roadmaster Wagon and we will mainly use it to haul our film and photo equipment to various shootings.
We finally bought it from a dealer in Vienna and brought it home today. The car is in nice condition and drives like a dream. So far we are very satisfied with it.
Attached are the first pictures.
At the dealer lot when we picked up the Roadmaster.
first tank of gas...
New picture gallery - the best pictures
It's a selection of my favorite images. Whenever a new favorite image is shot it will be added here.
Enjoy! You can go directly to this gallery by clicking on the image below. I will constantly add pictures in the future.
The 81 Pimperado is in winter storage
It fits in pretty well into my new garage and now has a good and dry home over the winter months. The garage is dehumidified so I´m sure the Pimperado will like it ;-)
The cars put on their pajamas and are now waiting for spring to arrive.
Below you can find some images of the now crowded garage. You can click on the image for a larger view.
They fit in pretty well. The image is a little distorted because its made of 4 images stitched together
disconnecting the batteries
Covered - good night!
The 67 is back with a "New" Front Suspension!
Today I picked up my 1967 Cadillac DeVille from the shop where all my repairs and restoration work is done when I can´t do them for myself.
The car got a complete new front suspension including all bushings, ball joints and paint. Some of the old bushings already fell apart. As everything was apart we also did the complete front brakes.
Also the radiator was fixed and the car got a new ignition lock which I removed from a 67 limousine at a junkyard in California last year. Also the turn signal switch was finally fixed after it broke 3 years ago...
The car is in spectacular condition, now and with the new suspension it drives like a brand new car - I could not have imagined that the difference would be that big.
Below you can see a picture of the rebuilt front suspension. Its still a little dirty as I had to drive the car home through rain - it will be cleaned soon though.
1967 Cadillac turn signal switch arrived
UPDATE 2010: In the meantime (since 2009) the Boyne switches they are getting reproduced and show up on ebay all the time. Also OPGI shows them in their Cadillac catalog. Its harder to find one for a T&T column as they are not getting reproduced so far. I do not know where one could find a switch for T&T though. If you know of any resource for T&T switches please let me know, I would love to have a spare one for my Eldorado!
When I was looking for a switch for my 1967 Deville, I only investigated resources for cars without T&T columns and this is what I found out:
According to the 1971 parts manual there are two different ones for standard column cars and one for T & T
- 1967 - 1968 (Exc. T & T) Part # 7800483 - Switch, w/wiring harness (Delco-Remy)
- 1967 - 1968 (Exc. T & T) Part # 7805675 - Switch, w/wiring harness (Boyne Products)
- 1967 - 1968 (T &T) Part # 7805676 - Switch, w/wiring harness (Hazard warning switch an integral part)
The two different standard column switches can be identified without removal as the parts manual describes:
„Hazard warning switch is an integral part. Switches can be identified before disassembly as follows: The Delco Remy switch has a square hole for the hazard warning switch in the cover, the Boyne Products switch has a round hole for the hazard warning switch in the cover.“
The problem with the switch on my standard column DeVille was that the return cancel cam broke, and that non of the repair kits were available for the Boyne switch.
Replacing this switch in the steering column is quite a pain - below you can find the instructions from the shop manual on how to do it.
There is also a revised procedure for a much easier installation below in the “Cadillac Serviceman" from August 1967!
Click on each picture for a larger view!
The connections going to the directional signal switch - the turn signal switch connector
The Cadillac Serviceman from August 1967 shows a revised procedure for a much easier installation of the switch.
If you need the shop manual instructions for a tilt and telescope column click here! Or just use the procedure above!
Dornbirn 2007 Video online
This is the "homevideo" our friends and we shot there. It also shows the preparation of our cars as we almost could not finish them for the show.
My buddy Tayfun had serious electronic problems with his 81 Pimperado and my 58 Eldo developed a driveshaft vibration only 3 days before we wanted to leave for the show.
Everything was finished at the very last second and we finally had a safe trip to the show.
Cadillac BIG Meet 2007 - a TV report by TS1
The report was done by Lorenz Zwicklhuber and Konrad Forstinger who did a great job. The video is now online in the video section of my website. You can click on the image below to go there.
© Courtesy of www.ts1.at 2007.
You can watch the report here through the youtube link.
Or watch it on my website.
Cleaning the 67´s front suspension
The brakes before I disassembled them - I hope I can clean the small metal parts with an ultrasonic cleaner
All these parts will be sandblasted and painted afterwards
The 67´s front suspension
After this the suspension will be in new condition - one of the last things that have to be done on the 67 before it is really in like new condition.
The only other thing which will need attention in the future will be the top which is still the original 40 year old one, but is still a little to good to be replaced…
New tool storage cart
Now I need some more tools to completely fill it...
New video of my 1958 Eldorado Seville online
My wife Afra (a professional cinematographer) shot it as she had to test a new camera for work. As it turned out we wont buy the camera - but she edited the test shots into a nice short 2 minutes clip.
This video can also be found on the video page of my website.
New pictures from the Cadillac BIG Meet 2007
My wife Afra shot 2 rolls of slide film with her medium format camera. She has now scanned the slides and I´ve put them on my website.
You can check them out if you click on the image below.
The last cruising and photo session this year
More of them can be found here.
The 67 is in the shop...
Later I also dropped off the 67 there as some smaller things have to be repaired as I do not have the necessary tools nor skills to do them myself.
- The front-suspension needs a rebuild and I do not have the presses to push some of the bushings in and out.
- The switch for the directional switch in the steering column has to be replaced
- Need a new ignition lock
- The transmission has some leaks I could not find
The guys from who helped me with the restoration of my cars will take over.
In a couple of weeks I should have the car back. It will go directly into winter storage then. Today also was the last day to drive the 58. I will return the plates over winter.
Cadillac BIG Meet - A huge success
Over the last years it became a still growing meeting. This year really was the best of them all.
Weather was perfect and the show had the theme "The Cadillac Eldorado" and more than 35 Eldorados showed up - among them Eldorados from 1954 to 2002.
We had one 54, 3 56 Biarritz, one 56 Seville, a 57 Biarritz, a 57 Eldorado Brougham (another one unfortunately broke down on the way to the show), 2 1958 Eldorado Sevilles (one coming all the way from Sweden!! - the other being mine), 2 59 Biarritz, 1 59 Seville, (a 59 Brougham was also planned, but restoration was not finished on time), a 63 and 64 Eldo, 2 67s (one of them with only 30k miles), 1 68 (with 20k miles), a 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 + a low mileage 76 Bicentenial, 79, 80, 81, 86, and lots of other Eldorados I forgot, but which you can see on the pictures.
Altogether 113 Cadillacs showed up in the park of the Kremsegg castle during the show - and about 10 more after the show was already finished... The oldest one was from 1921.
The mood was excellent and everybody loved it very much.
The last weekend probably was the best Cadillac related weekend I ever had, and you should not miss next years edition of the Cadillac BIG Meet.
Check out the pictures here:
http://www.cadillac-meeting.com/pics2007 (in German with some english...)
A dream came true - my 67 Deville on the side of a 67 Eldorado in my favorite color combo
The star of the meeting - a 57 Eldorado Brougham
My 58 together with Stellans Seville from Sweden
Two super low mileage Eldorados from 1967 and 1968
Another view of the 2 Sevilles
The Kremsegg Castle
Preparations for the Cadillac BIG Meet
working on the AC
installing the new backup lenses - which had to be custom fitted...
"Mostkost Kustom Meet" Video online
I´ve also updated my video pages. Click here for the video:

AC Problem
Three parts could cause this problem:
- The dash switch with its rotary valve from where I can hear a slight hissing noise,
- the power servo on the firewall
- or the master switch itself - what I doubt.
As I hate when something does not work on my cars I ordered all the parts. I found a good source which sells all these parts rebuilt. Hopefully they will arrive soon as I would like to have this issue resolved before the Cadillac Big Meet. It should not be too much of a hassle to install them when they are here.
The power servo
The power servo and master switch
The electrical circuit of the Air Conditioning system of the 1967 Cadillac DeVille in a digram
Here is a video about the Master Switch that a gentleman posted on youtube
Cadillac Big Meet is coming up!
This year will feature an "Eldorado Special" and we are looking for everybody with an Eldorado to participate. Of course all other Cadillacs are welcome as well.
New Gallery added
Mostkost Kustom Meeting
Sepp with his hotrod
the 58 at the show
At work behind the camera with my colleague Hubert Huemer from BTV doing the interviews.
Interior cleaning and Cruisenight
Cruising night!
After cleaning we had a nice cruising trip around the lake with friends and our ladies.
58 gets a new fuel pump - Video shoot
Later we also did some more repairs on my friend Tayfuns 81 Eldorado. After that we had a nice cruising evening with some friends where we did some professional filming for our next video.
Cruising night with friends
67 gets new fuel filter
Eventually I made it and when everything was back together, the bowl leaked. So I had to re-open everything. I readjusted the gasket and now everything is tight. The old filter was very dirty, because at the last big service I forgot to replace it...
I think it´s the fuel pump
I ordered a new fuel pump today - they are relatively cheap - I hope to have it here in about 2 weeks...
58 wont start!
My friend Richard towed me to his garage where he has an air compressor and all the tools and we blew air through the fuel line to check if it would be clogged. We were not clever enough to open the gas tank cap before we did that though.
When we removed the compressor from the line of course lot of now pressurized gas sprayed out of the line and into my face...
Well, at least it works again - looks like it really was only a clogged line. I already suspected that the fuel pump was on its way out, but luckily it wasn´t.
Will check everything again tomorrow and install a new fuel filter as well. I hope that I wont need a new fuel pump.
A great Ebayer - Power Vent Window Switch
Thank you Michael!!
"New" vent window switch arrived + new Battery

When I opened the box I immediately had the feeling that it would not work. The buttons felt sluggish and two prongs were missing on the backing plate. So somebody must have had it open at some point in its history.
So down I went into the garage to check it.

As I spent quite an amount of money for it and could not find another switch anywhere, I did not want to give up yet and so I disassembled it. Of course the 2 rusty prongs broke apart when I bent them open... A really good start! Eventually I made a good working switch from most of my old switches parts and the help of the plastic backing plate of the new switch. So I could also reuse the perfect chrome bezel of my old switch. :-)
Now everything works again - it´s not a concourse winning repair, but a solid one I can be proud of, and nobody can notice until he takes the car apart... ;-)
Now the clock is the only non working gadget on my 58 - my next project.
The new Battery
I also had to install a new battery today as my old one died after only 3 years in service. I bought an Exide Maxxima 900 - hope it will do a better job - I´ve heard lots of good things about it.
The new Exide battery - the green knob is a battery shut off switch
Website Update
Tayfun´s Cadillac works again
We finally managed to fix the problem with the ECM and sorted out most other issues. Another big point was the total rebuild of his rear brakes which worked out fine as well.
Over the last 6 month we could fix 35 points on the repair checklist.
Now there are only 11 points left which need some attention - but no more severe repairs - only a couple of details.
Tayfun is happy that after owning the car for over 11 years he finally fixed the electronic issues.
His Eldorado will be like new soon!
Two new pictures of my 67 added
I´ve added 2 images of the 67 in the new garage to the 67´s image gallery.
Another Photoshooting with the 58
You can find all the pictures in the 58´s image gallery.
Here is only a little preview:
Power Vent Window Switch wanted!
Thanks found it!
58 featured in magazine
A photosession with the 58 - Tires balanced
You can find the gallery of the first digital images here - the ones we shot on medium format slides will follow sometime next week.

This morning I drove the car to a tire shop to have the front tires balanced. As it turned out they needed a couple of weights...
Our cars were exhibited indoors at the showroom together with some spectacular Customs, Lowriders and Hotrods. My car was the only original one - but the spectators loved it very much.
The show was held on 3 days and we loved everything very much.
A big thank you to Robert Willinger, who is the organizer of this event.
A massive image gallery can be found here.
58 Vibrations...
Tayfuns 1981 Eldo finally repaired!
All ECM´s he installed went up in smoke. (See picture on the left)
Finally with the help of Martin - a guy who is the owner of a custom autosound store - we could find a defective solenoid which was causing all the trouble.
Finally his car is back in working order!

Martin at work

we worked till late in the night
The new Garage Floor is finished!
Cruising with some Friends
All the pictures can be found here.
Trying to repair Tayfuns Pimperado

Lions Club Classic Car Meeting Traun 2007
58 Carburetor Rebuilding Project finished
The 3 dual carburetors were rebuilt completely. The carbs were blasted, cleaned and rebuilt and work perfectly now. I did not think that it would make a difference that big. It´s a real pleasure to drive the car now.
And the best surprise was, that the rebuild cost much less than the initial cost estimate I got.
during the rebuilding - click on any picture for larger view!
all carbs were blasted and cleaned
the rebuilt front carb
Garage Floor Project Day 5
Next week they will give the floor a good polish and a sealing coat.
Garage Floor Project - Day 4
They will still have to paint the black areas a second time before they can take of the masking tape.
A red stripe which will surround the checker board area will also be added and the walls will be repainted in the same red as well.
Looking forward that it will be finished soon.
The floor with the masking tape in place
the first coat of black epoxy
seen from the outside with the masking tape still in place
The new Garage floor - Day 3
Yesterday the floor got a base coat - a kind of primer.
Today the layer of epoxy in cream white was poored. Looks fantastic!
You can see all the pictures in larger resolution in my garage gallery!
The new Garage floor is coming

Then they started to repair all the creases in the floor by cutting them open - then they inserted some metal support - and then filled them out with a special epoxy raisin.
It will take them at least one week to finish everything, as they are doing a very thorough job.
The 58 is at the restoration shop.
It made the drive there without catching fire again ;-)
The restoration shop will take care of the carbs now.
One of the carbs caught fire last year at my own wedding and since then I could not drive the car.
Also the air cleaner will have to be repainted due to the burnt cover.
Hope everything will be fixed soon and I can finally drive my 58 Seville.
Spring has sprung!
The cruising season can start
Cadillac Big Meet is coming up!
For more info go to the website of the Cadillac Big Meet!
New Website online
I replaced most of my old pictures with new ones and brought everything up to date.
Hope you´ll like it
thats how the old page looked like.
Preparing the 67 for the 2007 season

I started to clean the car and gave it a new coat of wax. In about 2 weeks I will bring it back to live and hopefully drive it a little bit more than last year when I only did about 300 miles.
Pimp my Garage Pt.1
The garage floor will be done in 2 weeks.
Here you can see the new framed pictures I hung on the walls along with the old hubcaps. The walls look a little distorted on this pictures as it was not stitched very well.
Finally: A date for the tri-carb rebuild
I will deliver the car to them on April 23rd. Looking forward to it.
Garage floor almost finished
The final epoxy coating will be done starting on April 23rd after the concrete floor had 28 days of drying.
I`m really looking forward to it.
picture with the old epoxy coating - the new one will be a black and white checkered coating
1966 Cadillac Coupe deVille (15)
1967 Cadillac DeVille (54)
1967 Cadillac Eldorado (72)
1971 Lincoln Continental Mark III (23)
1974 Cadillac Coupe deVille (46)
1978 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz (25)
1996 Buick Roadmaster (19)
Cadillac BIG Meet (1)
Car Shows (54)
Cruising (4)
For Sale (3)
Garage Stuff (32)
Pacer (1)
Restoration (137)
Various (55)
Video (16)
Website News (31)
- 6 way power seat
- 8-track
- 10 Ohm
- 429
- 1932
- 1957
- 1958
- 1958 Cadillac Eldorado Seville
- 1958 Cadillac Repair Tip
- 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Seville
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1966 Cadillac Coupe deVille
- 1966 Cadillac Repair Tips
- 1967
- 1967 Cadillac DeVille
- 1967 Cadillac Eldorado Repair Tip
- 1967 Cadillac Repair Tip
- 1967 Eldorado
- 1968
- 1970 Cadillac Eldorado
- 1971
- 1971 Lincoln Continental Mark III
- 1974
- 1974 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
- 1974 Cadillac Repair Tip
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1978 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
- 1978 Cadillac Repair Tip
- 1980 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
- 1996
- 2012
- 2014
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- 3063206
- 7027235
- 7800483
- 7805675
- 7805676
- 12355706
- 17058531
- 17059968
- 17059969
- 22010515
- 22010661
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- AC Electrical Diagram
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- Accelorator pump
- Actuators
- Adriatic Blue Metallic
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- Atlantis Blue Firemist
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- Bill Hirsch Engine Enamel
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- Bolts
- Book
- Borg
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- Brake Fluid
- Brake Gray
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- Brougham
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- Buick
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- Bushings
- Cadillac
- Cadillac BIG Meet
- Cadillac BIG Meet
- Cadillac birthday cake
- Cadillac Blue
- Cadillac Color Selections Dealer Book
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- Cadillac Dealer
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- Cadillac Mini Meeting
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- Card
- Carpet
- Carter AFB
- Cavalry Twill Vinyl
- CB
- Choke
- Christmas
- Citizens Band
- Classic Cadillac Club Deutschland
- Clay Towel
- Cleaning
- Clock
- Clockwork
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- Clutch Coil
- Collector
- Colonial Yellow
- Color Coded Springs
- Commercial
- Compound
- Compressor
- Condenser
- Continental Mark III
- Control Head
- Conversion
- Convertible top
- Coolant
- Corona
- Cowl
- Cruise Control
- Cruising
- CV Boots
- D6230
- Dash Trim
- Decal Removal
- Decals
- Decoration
- Dehumidifier
- Delco Moraine
- Der Standard
- detailing
- Deville
- Diagnosis Chart
- Diagram
- Dial
- Digital Rotary Drum Clock
- Diner
- Disc Brakes
- Distributor
- Diverter Valve
- Door Jamb Switch
- Door Rubber Conduit
- Dornbirn
- Dot3
- Drive Shaft
- Driving tour
- Drum brakes
- Dry Ice Blasting
- Dry Ice Cleaning
- Eastwood
- Eldorado
- Electric Choke Thermostat
- Electrical schematic
- Elvis
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- Ep
- Epoxy floor
- Europe
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- Exide
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- Floor
- Flushing
- Flyer
- Foam
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- Front bumper filler
- Front Floor
- Front wheel bearing
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- Fuel Pump
- Fuel Sending Unit
- Fusible Link
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- Gasket
- GE
- Gear indicator
- General Time
- Glove box light
- Grand European
- H4
- Haus of Hot Rod
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- Headlight doors
- Headlights
- Heater Core
- Heater Hose
- Heater Valve
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- Hood Emblem
- Hood Ornament
- Hose Clamp
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- Hot Water Valve
- HotRod
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- Hödlmayr
- Ignition Diagram
- Illuminated Entry
- John D‘Agostino
- John Foust
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- Kremsmünster
- LaSalle
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- Light Switch
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- Lincoln Mark III Repair Tip
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- Marilyn Monroe
- Mark III
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- Master Switch
- Master Vacuum Switch
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- Parts
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- Perfect Circle
- Permabag
- Persian Lime
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- Photoshooting
- Pictures
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- Power Servo
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- Power Window
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- Quartz Conversion
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- RediRad
- Reed Switch
- Relais
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- Roadmaster
- Rochester
- Rocker Arm Cover
- Rocker Panel Extension Clips
- Rostio
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- Rotterdam
- Rupes
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- Rust removal gel
- Sabre Wheels
- Sand Blasting
- Sandblasting
- Screed
- Season Greetings
- Seasons Greetings
- Seat Back Locks
- Seat Padding
- Seat Transmission
- See through ornament
- Self adjusters
- Self Starter
- Sepp's Garage
- Seville
- Sheetmetal
- Shocks
- shop manual
- short
- Sign
- Solenoid
- Spark Plug Wire Routing
- Speakers
- Special Award
- Speed Bleeder Screws
- Splash Guard
- Starter Diagram
- Starter Motor
- Steering Column
- Storage
- suction throttling valve
- sunroof
- suspension
- Swirl Mark removal
- Switzerland
- T3
- Taillight Cover
- Texan´s Choice Award
- Thermostat
- Tilt and Telescope
- Time capsule
- Tomsclub
- Torque Specifications
- Tower Hose Clamp
- Towtruck
- Transducer
- Transmission
- transmission control selector
- transmission control selector indicator light
- transmission shift indicator
- Treadle Vac
- Treffen
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- Troubleshooting
- Trunk Cardboard Kit
- Trunk lining
- Trunk to bumper cover
- Turn Signal Switch
- TV
- Typisierung
- Ultimate Garage
- Underbody
- Undercarriage
- Undercoating
- Undercoating Removal
- Vacuum Booster
- Vacuum diagram
- Vacuum hoses
- Vacuum Master Switch
- Vacuum Schematic
- Vacuum Valve
- Valve Cover
- Various
- Vent Window Switch
- Vibration
- Vibrator
- Vicodec roof
- Video
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- Visitor
- Washer Fluid Float
- Washer Fluid Low Level Indicator
- Water Pump
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- Website News
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- Wiring Diagram
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