1967 Cadillac EldoradoGERALD´S CADILLACS - NEWS


I am part of the Cadillac BIG Meet organisation team and we had a great 2021 meeting despite the bad weather and all COVID regulations. Only 80 Cadillacs attended this year as it was raining almost the whole weekend with some sunny spells.

My job in the team is to do all promotion work, including the CBM website. Together with my wife we usually do all the photographic and video work during the event and I'm also in the judging team for the awards.
This year we focused on shooting a new movie and produce a lot of video material for future promotion material about the event. Our friend Christian was kind enough to do the photographic work for us this year.

A huge picture gallery is now available here - thanks to Christian Doerk for providing these stunning images!

Here is the official 2021 Cadillac BIG Meet Aftermovie my wife and I produced: Make sure to watch in HD!

2 TV stations aired reports about the Cadillac BIG Meet 2021 which we also provided film material for

A TV report I produced for TV1

My colleagues from Servus TV also had a feature.

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Made by Gerald Loidl