
Do. 03.10. | 20:00
Politbeisl: Textdiskussion: A Call against Arms! w/ Antipolitika

Do. 03.10. I ANGRY // tba.

Fr. 04.10. Release concert of experimental compilation album „Gebrochene Frequenzen | Gebrochene Zeiten“: Obskuromotronicon // GNEVER // T.R.A.S.H. // Oto Nagasaki // PFARRE // Ulviva of The Nova Pink // Štarr + HORIZONT X-tett

So. 06.10. Anti-fascist Black Metal Night: Dolchstoß // Prehistoric War Cult

Do. 10.10. | 20:00
Politbeisl: Vortrag & Diskussion: Anarchist Prepping

Sa. 12.10. Strafplanet // Bicycle Terror // Urban Misery

Do. 17.10. | 20:00
Politbeisl: Vortrag und Diskussion
De Te Fabula Narratur Communist Publisher - Manifesto of the Arab Surrealist-communists (1975) Brochure [english]

Do. 17.10. Endform // Letheum

Fr. 18.10. Feminist Takeover

Do. 24.10. | 20:00
Politbeisl: Repression gegen Antifas im Budapest-Komplex

Do 24.10. Nidare // No Sun Rises // Face the Owl

Fr. 25.10. DIY Punk Beisl

Sa. 26.10. Antirep Soli










from 23.05.2024

Link to German version

The EKH collective declares its solidarity with the survivor. It is important to us to take a clear stand on the incidents of the last 14 years and to show that the perpetrator's statements are based on lies.

The survivor recently published a statement about the perpetrator Max and the bands City Rats/Zaraza. Shortly afterwards, the perpetrator published his own statement. In it, he denies all the allegations, claims to be a reflected anti-sexist, portrays himself and his partner as victims of bullying, says that the allegations are lies, asks why this is happening 14 years later and claims that the EKH is arbitrarily kicking residents out of the house. He published his statement on social media and it was online for three days.

It should be clear to everyone that his reactions to the accusations clearly have nothing to do with the responsible behavior of a self-proclaimed "anti-sexist". His narrative does not correspond to the truth and his discussion of it is also questionable.

Because: It's not just 14 years later. Time is irrelevant when it comes to sexualized violence. It can never be used as an argument. The perpetrator and his surrounding have actively contributed to ensuring that no one can forget, by framing the survivor over the years for speaking up, threatening people for supporting the survivor and for calling it what it is: a rape.

Because: We can confirm everything that the survivor has already said in her statement: Link to statement

Instead of dealing with all of this, he portrays himself as a victim and continues to spread a different version. This is based on attributions to her person that should raise doubts concerning her credibility. This is a typical patriarchal strategy aimed at questioning the survivor and denying any responsibility.

Because: There is continuity. Over the years, there have been repeated reports of Max's abusive and violent behavior.

Because: The perpetrator should not hide behind his surroundings. He actively uses the people around him, especially FLINTA people. By emphasizing how much they are suffering, he instrumentalizes them to divert the focus away from himself. He should take responsibility for his own actions.

Because: He was protected by large parts of the scene for years.

- Instead of showing solidarity with the survivor after the incident, his friends from City Rats dedicated a hate song (EKH-Bologna) to the EKH, which was recorded in the studio and released, as a reaction to his expulsion.

- He played at festivals and continued to be active in bands such as Zaraza.

- The survivor and people from the EKH were repeatedly confronted with the perpetrator's story. The survivors statement was repeatedly questioned and she and those around her were harassed.

Because: The perpetrator and his friends are still actively contributing to rape culture in the punk scene. The band Zaraza, in which the perpetrator was a bass player at the time, was accused in an article from 2022, concerning the Köpi, of having protected a perpetrator in another incident and that "[...] bands like Farsa and Zaraza believe the wrong story, support the wrong people, have to little knowledge about patriarchy, sexualized violence and hold rape culture in it's place with a rape myths mindset."

Link to article

It is also hard to believe that the perpetrator's close circle only found out about the allegations against Max through the call-out, making the current statement by the band Zaraza implausible.

In view of the current developments surrounding the rape that took place in EKH in 2010, it is important that we once again take a clear stance against the perpetrator. This also means that a person who has not taken position against Max has had to move out. The EKH collective clearly stands behind the survivor.

We think it is important to stay critical towards the perpetrators surroundings. Although we don’t believe that actions that are reproducing more violence against flinta people are the way to deal with this issue. Our rage belongs to the rapist. His actions show how little he has reflected, how little remorse he has for what he has done. Instead of taking responsibility, he continues to deflect, which is why we as EKH are urging other collectives, spaces and people to stop giving Max any platform and take a clear stand against sexualized violence.

Let us take care of each other!





Statement zu den faschistischen Angriffen auf das Ernst Kirchweger Haus im Juni 2020

vom 26.06.2020

Stellungnahme zu den Geschehnissen des heutigen Tages in Wien Favoriten aus dem EKH.

Türkische Faschisten griffen am 24.06. eine Kundgebung zu Frauenrechten und Kurdistan in Wien-Favoriten an. Auch danach wurden Kundgebungsteilnehmer_innen vor dem Ernst Kirchweger Haus (EKH) von Faschisten attackiert. Es folgte ein solidarischer Protest vor dem EKH, im Zuge dessen es zu rassistischen Kontrollen und der Festnahme einer unbeteiligten Person seitens der Polizei kam.

Auf der Demonstration gegen faschistische Angriffe am nächsten Tag versuchten türkische Faschisten wiederholt zu provozieren, die Demo zu stören und anzugreifen. Nach dem Ende der Demonstration sammelten sich rechtsextreme Graue Wölfe, AKP-Anhänger und selbsternannte “Wächter von Favoriten” erneut in der Gegend und griffen das EKH an, nachdem sich die Polizei trotz der offensichtlich bevorstehenden Eskalation zurück zog. 200-300 Faschisten randalierten über einen längeren Zeitraum in der Wielandgasse und griffen gezielt mit Steinen, Flaschen und Feuerwerkskörpern das EKH an und versuchten gewaltsam in das Gebäude einzudringen. Mehrere Fensterscheiben im Erdgeschoss wurden dabei eingeschlagen.
Nur durch die Solidarität von Antifaschist_innen konnte Gröberes verhindert werden. Die Polizei hingegen blieb über längere Zeit untätig.

Dies war schon der zweite Angriff innerhalb von zwei Tagen auf linke und emanzipatorische Srukturen und Veranstaltungen und wir rechnen damit, dass es auch nicht der letzte sein wird. Diese Angriffe stehen in Zusammehang mit der repressiven Politik der Türkei unter der Führung Erdogans, die aktuell die kurdische Bevölkerung terrorisiert und kurdische Gebiete bombadiert. Sie reihen sich aber auch in eine längere Geschichte von Attacken auf das EKH ein, in dem sich auch kurdische Vereine organisieren. Unsere Solidarität gilt daher den Betroffenen der türkischen Aggression in den kurdischen Gebieten, hierzulande und auch weltweit all jenen, die sich für eine gerechtere Gesellschaft einsetzen.

Wir rufen alle Antifaschist_innen zur Solidarität und der Teilnahme an weiteren Kundgebungen auf.
Treffpunkt Samstag Columbusplatz. Kommt zahlreich!

Nie wieder Faschismus!
Biji Berxwedan! Jin, Jiyan, Azadî!

Einige aus dem EKH


Statement regarding the fascist attacks on the Ernst Kirchweger Haus.

Turkish fascists attacked a women's rights / Kurdistan rally in Vienna-Favoriten on 24th June. Afterwards, the rally participants were also attacked by fascists in front of the Ernst Kirchweger Haus (EKH). This was followed by a solidarity protest in front of the EKH, during the course of which the police conducted racist controls and arrested an uninvolved person.

At the demonstration against fascist attacks the next day, Thursday, Turkish fascists tried repeatedly to provoke, disturb and attack the demonstration. After the demonstration, the far right wing group called 'Grey Wolves' (AKP supporters and self-proclaimed "guardians of Favoriten") gathered again in the area and attacked the EKH after the police withdrew despite the obviously imminent escalation. 200-300 fascists rioted in Wielandgasse for a while, attacked the EKH with stones, bottles and fireworks and tried to enter the building by force. Several window panes on the ground floor were smashed in the process.
It was only thanks to the solidarity of anti-fascists that something much worse could have ultimately been prevented. The police, however, remained passive for a long time.

This was the second attack on leftist and anti-oppression structures and events within two days and we expect it not to be the last one. These attacks are related to the repressive politics of Turkey under the leadership of Erdogan, which is currently reigning terror on the Kurdish population and bombing Kurdish areas. They are also part of a longer history of attacks on the EKH, where events and activities of Kurdish associations' take place. Our solidarity therefore goes out to those affected by the Turkish aggression in the Kurdish areas, here in Austria and also worldwide to all those who are working for a more just society.

This is a call to all anti-fascists to show solidarity and to participate in further protests!
Next meeting point: Saturday 27th June - Columbusplatz, Vienna - Favoriten. We need as many people as possible!

Fascism - never again!
Biji Berxwedan! Jin, Jiyan, Azadî!







Statement der Bewohner*innen des EKHs bezüglich "Auch hier wohnt ein Frauenfeind"





Websites für Termine um und in Wien:

Infomaden(Infoladen im EKH)
jeden Donnerstag 18:00 - 20:00

Anarchistisches Radio
Gegeninformationen und Stellungnahmen zu aktuellen politischen Themen aus libertärer Sicht.
Jeden Sonntag 20:00 - 21:00 auf Radio Orange 94.0!
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