
Liquid Laughter Lounge Quartet on tour now

Mi. 28. Mai CH-Zürich-Totalbar
Do. 29. Mai D-Ulm, Heinestraße 6, Open-Air 18 Uhr

Fr. 30. Mai D-Ulm, Salon Hansen
Sa. 31. Mai D-Frauenau, Gischtl
So. 01. Juni A-Linz, Stadtwerkstatt
Mo. 02. Juni A-Wien, Arena
Di. 03. Juni A-Wien, Fischerhof 6
Mi. 04. Juni A-Wien-Tüwi
Do. 05. Juni HR-Zagreb, Mochvara
Fr. 06. Juni SLO-Nova Gorice, Mostovna
Sa. 07. Juni SLO-Celje, Mladinski Center
So. 08. Juni HR-Pula, Monteparadiso
MO. 09. juni HR-tba
Thu. 10 juni HR-tba
Do. 12. Juni I-Turin, Radio Blackout Festival
Fr. 13 Juni CH-Oberlunkhofen, Open-Eye Festival
Sa. 14. Juni CH-Oberlunkhofen, Open-Eye Festival


Mit gemischten Gefühlen verschicke ich diese Mail.
Aufgrund eines Zusammenbruches meines Computers sind unter anderem leider alle
Zerrfletter Daten unwiderruflich zerstört worde. Alle Artikel, Interviews, Reviews und der
ganze restliche Kram sind also Geschichte. Da ich keine Zeit und Energie habe, die ganzen
Sachen nocheinmal zu schreiben, übersetzen etc, ist die Nummer 10 des Heftes
gestrichen, und das Fanzine wird entgültig eingestellt. Traurig aber wahr.
Ich möchte mich bei denen bedanken, die in den letzten Jahren vor allem beim Vetrieb
geholfen haben. Und natürlich bei denen, die es gelesen haben.
Ich schließe nicht aus, dass ich in Zukunft zu anderen Zines etwas beitragen werde, aber
vorher nehm ich mir hierfür etwas Auszeit. Das betrifft natürlich nicht das Label. Hier sind
zwar auch einige Schäden aufgetreten, aber das hält mich nicht davon ab, weiterzumachen.
Das wäre doch gelacht...
Viele Grüsse, Daniel.

Hey all! The Unseen's new record is coming out June 3rd in stores. It is called 'Explode'
and has 12 fast and furious anthems for you to sink your ears into. We're really proud of this
album, its our best stuff to date, so make sure you check it out!

If you would like to recieve the album a week before everyone else does and get a free patch
, check out http://www.byorecords.com for more info!

Also, goto our website http://www.unseenpunks.com for updated tour
info and to download tracks from the new album!

got a place....small...but wipe your feet plz..

Hey All, 140 6th St. past Mission, and past Minna.
2,500 sq. ft first floor street level with windows
2,000 sq ft basement
bad stuff first: No ADA compliant bathroom, so that will take time
involving getting a beer and wine license.. Basement is not 'legal' for
large public gatherings. All speakers and 'readers' will have to be on
first floor amongst 'product' until time tells many stories.
good stuff: Very low deposit, cheap rent. Nice very very clean space.
All I have to do is put in shelves, simple kitchen stuff and open up.
Immediate bizzness: CDs, Books new and used with magazines and
newspapers. Library area. Game area. Loitering tables.
Choice tasty deli type cold food: sandwiches, salads, coffee, bagels,
spreads, veggie chili etc. And REAL cheese. And real bread.
I had to tone down my ideas a long time ago. Though the vacancy rate is
really high, brokers and landlords still are seeing people with those
big mega bucks. My big start up idea of an appropriate neighborhood/city
urban bizzness didn't carry much weight. That said, this place is pretty
big considering what I was resigning myself recently to. And the
bad/good rough area suits my ideas and plans just fine thank you.
I NEED: Painters and muralists that would like to do large portraits and
pieces about heroes and struggles. I will add bios for each piece. I
don't want to just blow up photos...I would think it much more
interesting an artist taking a photo or a story and rendering a vibrant
impression. Please contact me. I am thinking the usual suspects (Emma,
Debs, Frank Little, Spain nuts) aa well as some very unknown struggles
in US and Latin american history.
OPENING : mid july or late july.
Other non moneymaking plans include: film/digital editing area in
basement. To bring in regular people into the documentary and 'artistic'
world of film/video/making. With all equipment provided.
Hopefully we could have a 2004 Mayday film festival around this....that
won't include 'pieces' about peoples dogs, or 'really hardworking rock
bands'...if you know what I mean.And then of course, a widespread
outreach to rank and file union people, indymedia people, homeless
rights people....well the people....understand?.......to come together
to build a bigger foist.
Well I am really tired right now. I always write too much anyway .
Thanks to people at AK press and Mike Millet for making this all
possible. And those stalwart comrades of mine who put up with me
'looking' for a year and half.
San Francisco, CA
the heart of multi-cultural anti-nationalistic pro-diversity


Am 5.5.03 spielen RADIKALKUR + NO SOMOS DE NADIE im Arena Beisel!
Radikalkur präsentieren ihre neue split LP mit JASON (bra)

critica libertaria al capitalismo

Aggiornamento n. 4
- Tutti i testi e le notizie dell'ultimo mese sono state inserite nello spazio, in continuo aggiornamento,
"Contro la loro guerra, contro la loro pace", diario della guerra sociale contro la guerra in Iraq.
- Diverso materiale sulla guerra è presente, nella sezione "altre lingue", in inglese e spagnolo.

- Terra selvaggia, pagine anticivilizzatrici (periodico), numero 12.
- Bruno Rizzi, "La burocratizzazione del mondo".
- "Hotlines. Call center e lotta di classe", a cura del Centro di Ricerca per l'Azione Comunista.
Per non ricevere più questo aggiornamento mensile scriveteci un'e-mail con soggetto "cancellare



Pirexia // hc punx // do it yourself // from Uruguay - South America.
Novedades - abril 2003.

Hola Chic@s ! aquí estamos con algunas de las novedades mas recientes de la banda, estamos tratando de actualizar el sitio web, así que en algunos días tendrán el diario del Tour Europeo, Fotos del Tour, nuevas fechas y noticias, aquí le adelantamos alguna de las novedades.
NO A LA GUERRA - También queremos resaltar que estamos en contra de toda opresión y sometimiento a los pueblos del mundo, el uso de la fuerza y la violencia que utilizan los gobiernos primer mundistas hacia el tercer mundo, no apoyamos ninguna dictadura, y ninguna guerra de poderes, guerra del capitalismo, como esta, donde someten a los pueblos a la tortura, devastación y el hambre, mientras los gobiernos derrochan millones de dólares en carrera armamentista, en el mundo, mueren miles de seres humanos de hambre diariamente.
Nueva formación - Luego de casi 8 años juntos, Joaquín decide dejar la banda por motivos personales, el resto del grupo sintió mucho esta noticia y después de casi 1 mes de incertidumbre, la banda decide seguir adelante, la nueva integración de la banda es:
Rodrigo: Voz y Guitarra.
Alfredo: Bajo.
Diego: Guitarra.
Mauro: Batería.
En estos momentos estamos ensayando, preparando próximas fechas y trabajando en lo que será nuestro próximo disco, a editarse antes de fin de año en CD / LP, por varios sellos del mundo.
Julio 2003 - Split "Pirexia / The Hardboiled" CD - Esta si que es una novedad, en junio sale editado por Fragment Music un nuevo split de la banda, 6 nuevas canciones que grabamos antes de irnos a Europa, el Cd será compartido con esta gran banda de Hc melódico de Almería, Estado Español, e incluirá pistas de Video, Galería de Fotos para Ordenador, etc. A estar atento !
Mayo 2003 - Pirexia "No olvidamos" Cassette - Sonic discos de Rosario, Argentina. Esta a punto de editar otra recopilación de Pirexia, esto de las recopilaciones ya es un clásico, pensamos que es una buena forma de que cualquier persona pueda acceder a gran parte de nuestra discografía en diferentes territorios del mundo, ya que sabemos lo difícil que es hacerles llegar a cada uno, disco por disco de la banda, este kct incluirá clásicos de todos los discos, + una canción inédita de la banda.
"Seguir" y "l'a mar" pronto en Chile - para los amigos de Chile, queremos informales que pronto serán editados en Santiago, nuestros 2 primeros discos por primera vez en formato Cassette.
Fanzine Toksiko - Nos acaba de informar Santi que la canción "Tierra de Asilo" la cual fue compuesta y grabada durante nuestra gira por Dan en Villa Friekens, un Okupa del norte de Ámsterdam / Holanda, ah sido editada con el ultimo CD recopilatorio del fanzine Toksiko de Galicia, la misma fue compuesta por Pirexia & Santi Ric y es cantada por Santi & Joaquin, una letra muy especial que recuerda los hechos del filtro sucedidos el 24 de Agosto de 1994 donde asesinaran a Fernando Morroni.
Tocando Ramones - De la Fae Records, finalmente lanzo a las calles el disco homenaje a The Ramones, donde participan mas de 20 bandas sudamericanas, el tema elegido por nosotros fue "I Know Better Now" el cual ya podes bajar de nuestra web.
Por los Que vendrán CD - Otro recopilación de 20 canciones de nuestra discografía ah sido editada por Desobediencia Records de Texas, USA. Ya pueden conseguir el disco a través del sello y muy pronto tendremos 100 únicas copias para Sudamérica.
European Tour 2002 - que podemos decirles... que fue una de las mejores experiencias que hemos vivido como banda, casi 50 conciertos, 9 países, decenas de ciudades, muchos amigos por el camino, muchas anécdotas y algunos proyectos, pronto, pronto, muy pronto tendrán el diario del viaje en la web.
Crónicas Urgentes Latinoamericanas. CD - edición europea que recopila 23 canciones de nuestra discográfica, el sello de Burgos - Estado Español, Fragment Music, realizo una excelente edición que sirvió de gran apoyo al tour, estamos muy contentos con este disco ya que hace posible que llegue a manos de muchos chicos de Europa que de otra manera hubiera sido muy difícil que tuvieran nuestra música, también pueden conseguirlo en Sudamérica a través de Inocencia discos y sus distribuidores, atención ! solo 200 copias ( que se agotan ! ) para Sudamérica.
por mas información:
info : info@pirexia.com
inocencia discos : inocenciadiscos@pirexia.com
Conciertos : tour@pirexia.com
Banda: pirexia@pirexia.com


Die nächste Ausgabe des Zerrfletter Fanzines (#10) ist in Arbeit
und wird hoffentlich im Mai fertig sein. Zum Inhalt kann schon soviel
verraten werden: es wird ein Interview mit Infect aus Brasilien
geben, einen Bericht über die Punk/HC Szene in Mexiko, einen
Quattro Stagioni/See You In Hell Tourbericht, Informationen über
Repression in Spanien, einen diy-guide zur persönlichen
Akteneinsicht in Deutschland, Punk in Peru und noch einiges mehr
an Interviews, Reviews und sonstigen Artikeln. Das Heft soll
außerdem dicker werden, als die letzte Ausgabe.
Aus diesem Grunde werden die verbliebenen Hefte der #9 nun zu
einem besonders niedrigen Preis rausgehauen, um die
Finanzierung der nächsten Ausgabe sicherzustellen und Platz im
Regal zu schaffen.
Wer also Interesse am Zerrfletter #9 hat (erschienen im September
2002), aufgehorcht!
Das Heft beinhaltet u.a. Interviews mit Lost (Polen), Chispas
(Bremen), In The Shit (Wales), Hluboka Orba zine (Tschechien),
Roma im Kosovo, Reviews etc.
Eine Ausgabe gibt es nun für 1,80 Euro inklusive P&V (für
Österreich und die Schweiz: 2,70 Euro inkl. P&V).
Ab 5 Exemplaren gilt der Wiederverkaufspreis von 1 Euro plus P&V.

PO Box 610 617
10937 Berlin



im "Kafe Kult" MÜNCHEN


Against all wars
Against all armies

Against Nato bases (like Aviano) and military trainings (like in Gemona) in Friuli

To demilitarise consciences


4pm from Via Volturno area (in front of the squat) to the center of town


After the demo, LIBERTARIAN STUDENTS COLLECTIVE 'MAKHNO' PARTY @ C.S.A. Via Volturno Udine: dinner, 2 bands (1 hardcore, 1 hip hop) and dee jays...

Lazy Punx... news

Out in a couple of months NAUSEA live 1990 LP. It's the recording of the concert they did in the squat in Udine during their first european tour in April 1990, it's not a bootleg as we're in contact with some of the band members. It will come with a good artwork and all lyrics, logos, writings about the squat...and this is just the first release planned, more out soon! Available for wholesale and trades.

I still have lots of 'Remember we're still here - support anarchist and class war prisoners' benefit t-shirt. different colours, sizes etc, ask for wholesale too!!! New distro list will be printed and sent very soon


In february and march things are not defined yet, but we will have some benefit concerts for political activities. Planned for the next months are:

1st april: APATIA NO (anarchist punk from Venezuela) + KOMBAT (hardcore from Belgium)

4th april: DISGUSTING LIES (crust hardcore from Czech Republic) + OVO (Italian experimental noise) + more

2nd May: FLESHIES (U.S.A. punk on Alternative Tentacles Records) + more

24th may: noise festival with HERMIT (Canada) + SETH (U.K., ex Headache) + more TBC

30th/31th may: 16th birthday of the squat

14th june: SEVERED HEAD OF STATE (hc U.S.A. ex His hero is gone/Detestation) + TWISTED SYSTEM (Belgium crust ex Hiatus) + PACK (Switzerland crust ex Bagger/Hellboozers) + SHIT CONTEST (Udine one and only crust band ever!)



This is the only squat in our area beside C.S.A. in Udine, since 1994 different kinf of people (from hippies to straight edgers) are using this place for gigs, parties, benefit events + more and in the last couple of year it became a very important part of alternative scene in Friuli. In a few months (early May) it will face eviction (it will be destroyed). Now we wanna squat another building near the old one, it will be hard 'cause it's almost destroyed, but we will try...it's the only possible place to do things in a village of 10000 people. You're more than welcome of course, we need help!

contact is latalpa79@libero.it

For all contact with Lazy Punx Udine you can write David
or snail mail David Clocchiatti, Via Rovigo 7, 33010 Tavagnacco, Udine, Italy


distribution catalague is now available by e-mail!!!
More than 1500 titles from all around the world. Tapes, vynils, cds, t-shirts a some other shits.
Hardcore, grind, crust, faste, noisy, emo... write for it and you will see!
Catalogue is in czech (because 90% people ordering from us are from czech) but i am sure you
know all the bands, or you can ask directly....


available shit now :

Mass Genocide Process - "debut" MC
asskicking nonstop crust fury from Czech, pre-Crucify Yourself

Homoconsumens / Výbor Verejného Blaha - split 7"EP
total spaghetti thrash punk (do you love Wretched/Impact?) and hip hop in your face, 2x cz

Ulcerrhoea / Carnal Diafragma - split 7"EP
two grind bands from Germany and Czech doin total devastation of your ears

Plague Rages - "Aversao" MC
brazilian grind in your face, their best stuff ever

Solitary Neglect - "Death and destruction" MC
Boston area hardcore unit, fast and loud as hell + doing Gang Green & Discharge covers

Quattro Stagioni - s/t MC
total out of control thrash grind devastation from Germany

The Mood - Under pressure of time MC
melodic and rocking emo core from my hometown, heavy and rocking with each song

Hibakusha - Little boy, 8:15 MC
murderous crust/grind mud from Czech, 14 songs and Warcollapse cover

N.C.C. / Obliterate - split MC
devastating slow grind and good technic grind, Czech meets Slovakia

All records are available on sale, trade or wholesale. Write us first and we´ll deal directly, ok.

Coming up next
(available in february/march ´03)

Head Injury - "debut" MC
really awesome local emo core band, heavy and rocking at all, screanim and furious in each second.
Mukeka Di Rato / Head Injury - split MC
two brazilian bands from the same town on split, raw as hell thrash (in vein of Armageddon and others)
and total fast non stop grind/hardcore.
Depresy Mouse / Hibakusha - split 7"EP
DM do fucking raw and furious hardcore/noise in vein of Godstomper/Bizarre X style and Hibakusha brings
3 new crust grind destructions.

For distro stuff or label stuff, write us at : machetazo@post.cz

Go check it out, it'll only waste 5 minutes of your time !
Reviews, scene reports, MP3's, interviews, show listing, photos,…
Don't hesitate to add this link to your own page !

Labels/ bands/ zines: feel free to send stuff for review. Contact us !

February 15th 2003 ride against war!
*PLEASE HELP PUBLICISE this event by printing off some leaflets and
spreading them around as well as forwarding this onto as many
interested people as possible*
On February 15th hundreds of thousands of people will march through
central london demanding that there is no war on Iraq. To highlight
the link between the environment, oil and war people will be getting
on their bikes to create a pollution free, peaceful and fun space on
the protestŠYOU are invited to join them!
Meet other riders at 12pm under Waterloo Bridge, South Bank to cycle
over to the Embankment at 12:30pm and join the anti-war march through
London. With plans to join the march and loosely follow it's route
through london.
All forms of non-polluting transport are welcome! Bikes, skateboards,
roller-blades, wheelchairs and anything else you can think of!
If you have any questions or want more information email
f15@cmlondon.enrager.net! This idea was the result of talk on the
Critical Mass London discussion list, to see what your missing out
on, point your browser at: http://cmlondon.enrager.net!
With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment,
it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person which
went almost un-noticed last week.
Larry La Prise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey" died peacefully,
aged 83. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into
the coffin. They put his left leg in - and things just started to go
downhill from there.
1. Ninth Anniversary of Zapatista Uprising Marked by
Biggest Mobilization So Far
Defying their critics who charge they are divided and
disintegrating, the Zapatistas mobilised their forces
on the 1st January 2003, mustering the largest and
most militant demonstration seen in San Cristobal
since the armed uprising 9 years ago. As many as
20,000 masked militants of the EZLN descended on the
town from all corners of Chiapas armed with machetes
and lighting huge bonfires around the central plaza
and surrounding streets. There were no injuries, and
little damage to property, but the feisty rebels
demonstrated in no uncertain terms that, on the 9th
anniversary of the uprising they are still organised,
still militant and still enraged.
"I am very proud we have peace in Mexico, with Marcos,
with the Zapatistas," said Mexican President Vicente
Fox a few weeks ago, while visiting Europe. "Fox says
we have peace in Chiapas, that there is no conflict,"
said Comandante David from the podium. "Is the
conflict settled in Chiapas?" he asked. "NOOOO!" was
the emphatic reply from the multitude, banging their
machetes and sticks, holding up burning torches, as
the black smoke from the multiple bonfires engulfed
the town centre. The masked insurgents packed the
expansive centre plaza and still thousands more were
left chanting in the surround streets.
The mood was combatitive and the chants, banners and
speeches from the stage were uncompromising ñ ìFox Is
The Same As Zedilloî, ìPAN Equals PRIî, ìNo Evictions
From Montes Azules!î, ìGlobalize Rebellion And
Dignity!î. The rebellion in Argentina was lauded, the
self-determination of Venezuela defended, and the
terrorism of Bush and Bin Laden condemned. "We came to
say that here we are still, stronger than ever and we
resist," said Comandante Mister. "In the face of a
globalization of death imposed by the powerful, we
proclaim a globalization of freedom..."
This was the first public mass mobilization of the
Zapatista Comandancia and rank-and-file in almost 2
years. The last Zapatista event was the hugely popular
Caravan to the Capital in March of 2001, bringing out
Mexicans in their hundreds of thousands in support of
Indigenous demands, as Subcomandante Marcos and 24
EZLN comandantes journeyed up to Mexico City.
In response to the political stagnation after the
march, Comandante Esther directed "a few words" to Mr.
Vicente Fox: "I just say to you that the people are
disenchanted with the your deceipt." Comandantes David
and Tacho blasted all of Mexico's political parties
for adopting a version of the indigenous rights and
culture law that significantly watered-down the level
of autonomy legally possible for indigenous peoples.
They also disparaged the social programs the federal
government is conducting in Chiapas. Comandante
Fidelia directed her message to the "exploited,
scorned and violated" women of Chiapas and Mexico.
The mobilisation sent a clear message which
comandantes David and Omar made explicit around
midnight: "We came to tell you that we are here and we
continue alive. We have not surrendered. We are not
disunited nor fighting. Why would we have to fight
among ourselves if we still have those who fight us?"
As the constitutional path - marked by betrayal, seems
exhausted and the enemy takes a more global face, the
Zapatistas appear to be changing their tactical
direction, renewing the spirit of resistance and
pursuing a more confrontational strategy. The
Zapatistas have returned from their forays into
national Constitutional reform to once more address
the needs and demands of their base constituency.
From the stage, Comandante Brus Li (no, really)
commanded the cadre to build bigger bonfires to warm
the cool night air. "This struggle has hardly begun.
Let the fires shine bright so that the people can see
how we have maintained our rebellion! ".
* Speeches by the Commandancia of the EZLN on the
ninth anniversary of the uprising can be found on
(adapted from articles by Ramor Ryan, Herman Bellinghausen
and others with thanks)

Hi from FRANCE !
STNT is an interactive ezine from france with the possibility for you to
promote yr (independant...please)
activities... you can add yr news, yr urls directly online (see below) !
I think it's the easiest way for you to
update yr news & promote yr bands, fanzines or labels. Hoping this
(original... no ? ) concept will be a mean
for you to develop yr work !
For any questions, feel free to contact us at info@stnt.org

Hard core - Noise - Rock - Electronica - Free - Improvisation - Experimental



A collective of people from the old RTS network and others that
got involved through Reclaim the Future are calling this meeting to set
a date and start discussing strategies for a street party this summer.
The idea is to unveil a date for a street party at the forthcoming
Reclaim the Future event on 1 February, so we can start building towards it.

Many feel it is time for a street party again after two years' of
relative quiet. This is despite ever more oppressive policing tactics
used to control mass gatherings. Street parties are fun and empowering,
they allow us to let our hair down and get a glimpse of the better world
we are trying to create. Street parties are magic moments in a mad bad world.

Street parties - The past
A simple idea - squat the street, shut down the traffic, turn urban
roads or motorways into party zones, kids' play areas, sandpits, take
back public space. London saw some huge street parties, attracting up to
10,000 people, and the idea quickly took off, with street parties
happening all over the world. However, after J18 (Carnival against
Capitalism) and the Guerilla Gardening action in May 2000, RTS was
subjected to an immense witchhunt. Yet, the problems (capitalism, war,
traffic etc.) have not gone away.
Street Parties - The Future
After the 2000 Mayday In Mayfair action, when the police was not able to
isolate and cordon off the crowd, people were wondering whether it might
be time to try for another street party. Even though there have been no
big RTS parties in London since Mayday 2000, the RTS-inspired Reclaim
The Future event in Tottenham in September brought in a lot of punters,
showcasing the direct action movement and re establishing a link with
squat/underground culture. The money raised is intended for a street
party or comparable action this summer. There was a well-attended street
party workshop at Reclaim The Future which showed that a lot of people
wanted to work on the idea.
"If you go to one demonstration and then go home, that's something, but the
people in power can live with that. What they can't live with is sustained
pressure that keeps building, organisations that keep doing things, people
that keep learning lessons from the last time and doing it better the next time."
- Noam Chomsky
The Nelson family from North Dakota, America are currently fighting
Monsanto through the courts after their corn cross-pollinated with GM
RoundupReady thereby making it Monsanto property. This is similar to the
case of Percy Schmeiser (see SchNEWS 346) a farmer from Canada who was fined
£150,000 after his canola crops became contaminated by neighbours GM crops.
Het Fort van Sjakoo Remains!!!, But With Only Your Support!!!!!!!
Bookshop het Fort van Sjakoo has come to an agreement with the
Woningbedrijf Amsterdam (WBA) (Housing Corporation Amsterdam) that our rent
will not be increased by 900%. We thank everyone for their contributions
up until now, which were in the form of actions, petitions or political
support. We are now going to enter, because of this agreement, a rough
road to the following possibility: The rent increase for het Fort will be
annually phased in. On January 1st 2003 our rent was increased by 100%.
In the years to follow there will be similar increases. Besides this
arrangement het Fort has until the middle of 2003 the time to decide if we
want to buy the property for 60% of the market price, which was appraised
by the WBA as the market value. That amount, 200,000 euros plus transfer
costs and taxes, must be in December 2003 paid. The amount is lower than
the market price because of het Fort's social ties to the community. If
the users of the space on Jodenbreestraat don't satisfy this social
condition than the WBA has the right to buy back the property for 60% of
the current market price.
Because the yearly rent increases are still unaffordable, even with no 900%
increase, het Fort is dependent on the purchasing option for its continued
existence. However, a mortgage from the bank for the whole amount would
lead to monthly payments that are also unaffordable.
To finance the purchase we again need your loyal support. The purchase
will only be affordable for us if we receive sufficient donations. There
are also plans for issuing bonds and interest free loans. More information
will be available soon.
The donations are an essential part of the plan. We ask everyone to break
open their piggybanks, do some creative bookkeeping with their household
budgets, organize benefits, and to find some ways to cut costs and to
generously give to our worthy cause.
Every euro counts for us!!!
If you have money, which you could do without for a longer time, but will
get back sometime in the future, than the lending and bonds options are
possibly for you. If you are interested in one of these options than let
us know at fortaankoop@planet.nl We will get in contact with you very soon
after and talk about the conditions and guarantees.
If the financing can't be arranged before June 2003 than we will naturally
return your money to you.
The campaign 'Stort voor het Fort' (Contribute to the Fort) will use for
the time being the giro account of 'Het Fort van Sjakoo' in Amsterdam, giro
number 393 26 16. The deposit should be labelled as 'Purchase Gift'.
Thank you for your interest and help,
See you in the bookshop,
Het Fort van Sjakoo, Amsterdam
we`re having a party !
14 july 2003
Nationally, on the above date, there will be street
parties,barbeques, bonfires,etc.,to mark/celebrate the death of the
Rt.Hon.M.Thatcher M.P.(con.)before she dies.so she knows.
Even if it`s just you and yer dog and a bottle of cider, get a
couple of fireworks and make the effort.
Just a final "up yours" to one of the greatest advocates of 20th
century soulless capitalism. cheers, A.Bloke
is up and running
its not finished
but then again neither are we!
Email address change!
Please make sure you have changed our address to;

News from Uglysmokers Tapes (Malaysia)

Out now in January 2003
One of the Band that molded the furious Californian hardcore style, with is nowadays often called Fastcore, power violence or thrash hardcore. Furious and very fast Californian thrashy old school hardcore from mid–eighties. 75 tracks including from first demo 87, Self-Title 7”, Mankind 7”, Slave LP, Split 8” flexi with PHC, 7 songs take from various compilation vinyl and disc and KLXU Radio Show 12” in this mc comes with nice pro printed cover sleeve with lyric and tape. Warning! This is bootleg tape and come with 500 copies with hand number. Tapes lover be quick!
Price: RM6 (By hand) RM7 PPD (Malaysia) $3 US PPD (Asian) $5 PPD (Worldwide)

Out in November 2002
Bandung (Indonesian) fastcore ala early Charles Bronson (not youth attack era) with 14 short and fast and loud songs and political too, this cd-r comes with nice pro cover sleeves and booklet too, if you wanna try good extreme hardcore band from Asian, this is your right choice. Support 3rd world extreme hardcore from Indonesia.
Price: RM6 (By hand) RM7 PPD (Malaysia) $3 US PPD (Asian) $4 US PPD (Worldwide) or TRADE!

SOON (don’t order yet)
HEWHOCORRUPTS – DISCOGRAPHY MC (Chicago high tech grinding unit feat ex-members of Kungfu Rick.
Out in March / April 03)
VERGE ON REASON – GRIND OVER MALAYSIA MC (Metallic crust grind from Germany and will touring Malaysia in 2004 and this is their first discography in Malaysia feat their debut demo and up coming split 7”)
CTHUWULF – THE WORSE OF ZERO MC (Ghetto raw noise core ever comes from LA, if you are still looking band like GAI, SWANKY, you should try this one, feat all stuff their ever do from demo and up coming 7” and split 12”)
XDAYLIGHTX – FOLLOW YOUR IDEAS MC (Pissed off raw hardcore from MA, this is totally raw shit and remind me old Charles Bronson era, taken from their debut demo and live shit. R.I.P by now)

We’re looking forward to do something for any DIY (extreme hardcore / grindcore / crust …etc) bands from all over the world, if you interested, just drop me a line and we’ll do something together. Trade are welcome but please write first and if you wanna send something to me, PLEASE REGISTER your package and I’ll do a same coz Malaysia post service still a rip off. And please write your address clearly too. That’s all from me and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you and have a nice day.

Contact thru this address:
NO 4, JALAN 24/29,

Or email: uglysmokecore@hotmail.com


Seit kurzem ist die Homepage www.anarchismus.at online. Sie wird vom Anarchia Versand gestaltet und umfasst ein umfangreiches Textarchiv mit mehreren hundert Texten sowie Bildergalerien mit derzeit etwa 700 Bildern. Die Seite soll weiter ausgebaut und das Textarchiv vergrößert werden. Dabei geht es uns vor allem um die Veröffentlichung anarchistischer KlassikerInnen, die wir selbst einscannen werden. Außerdem enthält die Seite einen Online Shop, der es vor allem Menschen aus den österreichischen Bundesländern erleichtern soll, anarchistische und anarchosyndikalistische Bücher und Broschüren beziehen zu können. Über einen ?Besuch? von euch oder die Verlinkung der Seite würden wir uns freuen.

Die Anarch@s von www.anarchismus.at

hello guys there!
How's it going?
I'm Pete from Athens Greece. Do you remember me? I stopped the distribution and zine too.
I occupy with political artwork. Wee publish here a comic zine with political comics and drawings and
we distribute it free to concerts/squares etc. also we organized an exhibition with political comics and
drawings here at a squat and now we want to organize a second one. So if you know any political artist
send me his/her address or e-mail. But also we help other people that do other things too. so some
friends want to distribute some material records etc. so send me a catalogue with wholesale
prices if you still do distro and label. That's for now. If any band want to tour in greece let me
know we can organize something. What about EKH is still exist? Thanks
Pete Athens coyote9p@hotmail.com


Sensation: Kråke Mikunda auf Verständigungstour in Temelin!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!

Im Rahmen seiner Ansprache zu "Technik und Innovation" hat derVorsitzende der
Bürgerliste LHL, Kråke Mikunda, angekündigt, dass er am 7. Dezember 2002eine
freundschaftlich-technologische Kennenlernfahrt nach Temelin unternehmen
will. Diese Zusammenarbeit der Bürgerliste LHL und monochrom Reisen soll ein neuer
Schritt in den tschechisch-österreichischen Beziehungen sein.
Abfahrt gegen 9 Uhr 30. Nach einer interessanten Fahrt mit Musik und Diskussion
erwartet die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen eine Führung durch das
Betriebsgelände. Es wird ein sehr interessanter Film in modernster
dreidimensionaler Projektion gezeigt, Inhalt: physikalischeErscheinungen in
der Nebelkammer des Atomreaktors - Beobachtung verschiedenster ionisierender
Strahlungen - Vorführung eines Kernreaktionszyklus. Weiters können sich die
Besucher und Besucherinnen anhand von interaktiven Modellen mit veschiedenen
Formen der Erzeugung von Elektroenergie bekannt machen. Alle Besucher und
Besucherinnen haben die Möglichkeit an einer zweistündigen Exkursion durch das
Kraftwerk teilzunehmen. Die Führerin macht die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen
mit dem Bau und den Sicherheitsvorkehrungen des Kraftwerks bekannt, erklärt die
verschiedenen Anlagen und führt über die Baustelle.
Anschließend Abendessen im nahe gelegenen Budweis, danach Heimfahrt,
Ankunft in Wien gegen 22 Uhr.
Reservieren Sie sich schnellstmöglich ihren Platz im Autobus der Sozial-
und Technikverständigung! Senden Sie eine Anmelde-Email an
(Name, Vorname, Reisepassnummer, Geburtsdatum, Geburtsort, Staatsbürgerschaft,Adresse)
Anmeldeschluss ist der 2. Dezember 2002!
Unkostenbeitrag wird bei 15 Euro liegen.
Z'ijte blaze!

Mag. Ål Kalendar
Wahlkampfkomitee der Bürgerliste LHL



As you can see this is the first "Lazy Punx..." catalogue...We are born from the ashes of "Tazzor Existence" distribution, our main project (and lifestyle ah ah ah...) for about 6 years...and like "Tazzor Existence" also "Lazy Punx..." is a small distribution devoted to punk music and anarchist ideas. Distributing records and libertarian literature is just one of the ways we use to promote DIY culture and anarchism, as we?re involved in political activism, squatting and so on...but we also like music so we can?t stop doing gigs, selling records and stuff in a not for profit, honest and cheapest possible way!
We don?t want to be as big as a Virgin Megastore, we distribute things that we really like or that are relevant (like benefits...) to our world...so maybe we can help you by distributing your stuff (or even releasing it!), but mainly we are looking for comrades in the struggle to burn this fucking system down!!!
You will notice that we don?t have that much literature...that?s because we just think about music and beer, of course!!! No! We don?t carry a lot of books and newspapers because a good job is already done by the distribution of our squat. You can write to Stefano Biasiol, Casella Postale 71, 33037 Pasian di Prato, Udine, Italy...ask for a list but 99% of stuff is in Italian!!!

ORDERS: in case that you need something, remember that all prices are in Euro...you have to pay in advance, add some alternatives and postage! Italy is 5 Euro, Slovenia: We can bring the stuff for you at a gig or pass it to friends that live there...Other countries ask before (and it?s very expensive to send LPs!!!)...

TRADES: of course we can trade but for now we just have a few titles that we can trade and we prefer to carry stuff that we like so we don?t take everything. In the future we have plans to release a bunch of stuff that you will love but we will see...I think that in 6 months we?ll have records out...

GIGS: we are involved in the C.S.A. Via Volturno, a more than 15 (!!!) years old squat in Udine, our hometown, we set up gigs, political events and meetings, benefit actions and various other things, including having a good time there too!!! If you have a band and want to play there, you can contact us as we book 90% of the gigs, it`s better if you send also a tape or a record/CD...we try to help everybody that seems nice but of course we have our tastes, a lot of people ask and we cannot say always yes! Wanna play more in this area? Contact us too... (very important: we offer gas money, vegetarian/vegan food, drinks, sleeping place, a decent p.a., but please we don`t need rock stars, fascists, racists, sexists or narrow minded people!!!)... We also can offer sleeping space to travelling comrades for a couple of days...

CONTACT: for everything (from orders to correspondence that is always welcome) you should write to DAVID CLOCCHIATTI, VIA ROVIGO 7, 33010 TAVAGNACCO, UDINE, ITALY, or email lazypunx@yahoo.it

click here for the distibution list

that's me azra write from Malaysian. (...) actually i have some cool stuff for trade .
let me know your offer if you interested.

1.BENEFIT MINCE ACT FEDERATION: FOOD NOT BOMBS CD +++ = 3 way bands Agathocles (Belgium),
Ravage (Malaysia), Comrades (Italy)
2.MASS SEPARATION / ATROCIOUS MADNESS split CD Malaysian grind noise meet usa raw crust
3.FOREGROUND DIVISION ?The fall of an empire? CD political hc- Subang Jaya! cool
4.THE DIRTY DOGS - Petualang CD -20 new tracks of heavy distorted D-beat punk from Malaysia.
Total fucking rock n roll destruction
5.IRRITATE / UTTER BASTARD - split CD-Finland´s finest brutal groove team up with grinding hc
violence from San Francisco.


x- mas band clash
thrash till death ...

25 .12 : jaz , rostock ( germoney ) lindenstrasse
check : www.jaz-rostock.de

birdflesh ( swe ) grind tornado
hellblazer ( ger ) death fucking metal !
skulls and flames ( hol) old school hc
kochen mit glas ( ger ) slow sick and extreme hc !!
wut krach lärm (ger ) noize wall + chaos !!
y ( ber - tbc!! ) power violence kinxx

in work : yacopsae ....some more ..

+ hip hop / dancehall sondz in the front floors with killa chrizz and munsta joe !!!

26 .12 motorship stubnitz rostock

olho de gato ( hol ) hc crust attack with drummer of patareni
and ex vocalist of boycot !!
fubar ( hol) grind total !!
needfull thinx ( cz) groovy ganja grinders
eye hate lucy ( ger) sludge as much !!!
whos my saviour (ger ) new band with members of : wojczech ,
abuso sonoro , entrails massacre
verstärkertod (ger ) noize grind legend
fist full of love ( ger) hc ala cirkle jerks sqatting berlin maniacs

in tha front : drumn bass desaster !!

doors : each day @ 20. 00 start : 21 . 00
not more than 4 € !!!

each day : free beer action ( not the complete time !! )




Tis was on this day battle begun, we have fought many since and some we won.
Less we forget Yellow Wenesday we celebrate ten years we have grown with
our flight, to expose the wrongs of coroporate shite. Now one and all to
St Caths come. And dream away for our war for the world to be won.
Bring what you expect to find.


About eight miles from Edinburgh near Penicuik is Bilston Woods. It is an
SSSI or the Scottish equivalent and faces having a bypass ripped through
it. There is a river running through the site and there's a pond and trees
and animals and flowers and most importantly a lack of tarmacadam.Work has
started on the roundabout to the site with a pond due to drained in about
a week. There are many mature trees on-site and a medieval bridge and
tower. This shit needs to be stopped before all our environment and
Heritage is destroyed by these fuckers in fluro jackets.A site is being
set up so anyone who gives a shit please call the number below. No
experience required as training will be given. Must have own sense of
Site Mobile - 07753 808709


A haul road has been started, will destroy trees and will give the quarry
extra bargaining power. A camp has been set up on the route but site
desperately needs more support.... get yerselves along asap.


PEOPLE living in the Harnham area had the chance to judge the possible
impact the proposed Brunel link and Harnham relief road might have on
their lives by joining a `walk the route' event on Sunday. Organised by
Salisbury Transport 2000, the event began in the morning with a walk along
the banks of the River Nadder on the Churchfields industrial estate. The
opportunities for different uses for parts of the Churchfields site, which
enjoys spectacular views of the cathedral, and the possible alternative
solutions to the HGV access problem were explained. The walk followed the
route of Broken Bridges footpath to the south bank of the Nadder where the
Brunel link bridge would cross the right of way. In the afternoon, a
second stage of the walk followed public rights of way near the line of
the Harnham relief road. The walk followed the Avon Valley footpath and
Green Lane, two of the four rights of way that would be bisected by the
scheme. Harnham resident David Wilson explained to walkers that his
analysis of the traffic figures showed that the claim by Wiltshire county
council that traffic through Harnham would reduce by up to 80 per cent was
misleading. His own calculations, using the traffic figures supplied by
the county council, showed that the scheme would bring nine per cent more
traffic and 37 per cent more HGVs round to the south of Salisbury. Pam
Rouquette, of Salisbury Transport 2000, said: "Most people who came were
Harnham residents wanting to find out how this road scheme would affect
the tranquil rural landscape they enjoy. "Many have gone away determined
to fight the scheme."
Website: http://www.sinkthelink.org.uk


A group of residents who could be seriously affected by a radical traffic
scheme in Purley Town Centre, are furious they were left to find out about
the proposals by accident when one resident tried to sell her house. More
than 70 residents in Lansdowne Road and surrounding streets last month
formed an action group to oppose the scheme, after several months into the
public consultation they discovered that five lanes of heavy traffic could
be diverted past the backs of their houses. The proposal to divert traffic
from the A22 behind Tesco and onto Brighton Road, to ease congestion at
Purley Cross and make way for a landmark pedestrianised area, is the
widely favoured of three alternatives which Transport for London (TfL)
outlined at the end of last year. In the meantime, two neighbourhood
partnership meetings and a weekend workshop have gone ahead without
Lansdowne residents' knowledge.Polina Sparks, of Lansdowne Road Residents'
Group, said: "We are completely opposed to this scheme and appalled by the
lack of consultation with us." A council spokesman said it was unfortunate
they had not heard about the scheme, but that there is still time to get
their voices heard


Fighting to save 'precious land' Nov 21 2002
CAMPAIGNERS fighting plans for a new M4 service station are preparing to
give evidence at a public inquiry which has started this month.Two Green
Belt sites on the edge of Binfield village, Great Hazes and Great Wood,
have been put forward by developers as a possible sites. Both have already
been refused by a planning inspector.But, along with others on the M25 and
M40 that were also refused, they have now been recalled following an
appeal by the developer and will be reconsidered at the inquiry.Residents
and councillors say if either application were approved, that would bring
more traffic, noise and pollution to the village. Among those fighting the
corner for Binfield during the inquiry will be Cllr Joan Utting. Cllr
Utting told the Bracknell News: "I shall be giving evidence at the inquiry
on behalf of Binfield Parish Council and I shall say that we don't want a
service station to be built in the Metroplitan Green Belt area which is
very precious. "It is now a case of doing our best to oppose the plans and
say that a service station is not needed here." Also working to oppose the
plans through the inquiry will be the M4 Motorway Service Area (MSA)
Action Group, made up of various councils and community groups determined
to oppose the proposal, a barrister and a traffic expert. Fellow Binfield
councillor and secretary for the action group Hilary Doyle said the fear
was that if a single service station was approved at Great Hazes on the
opposite side of the M4 to Binfield, another on the Binfield side would
soon follow. She added: "A service station at Great Wood would be visible
for miles and there will be an issue of the lights at night. We don't
think there is a need for it. We are only 12 miles from the Reading
service station."
The inquiry is being held at York Stream House, St Ives Road in Maidenhead.
M4 MOTORWAY SERVICE AREA ACTION GROUP. "The Green Belt has been lent to us
to enjoy during our lives.We have an obligation to preserve it for future
As a result of a judgment in the High Court, which overturned previous
decisions of the Secretary of State, there is now a massive Public Inquiry
starting on 5TH NOVEMBER 2002. This is to consider all three applications
for Motorway Service Areas ( MSA)on the M4 in our area.
The applications are:
Great Hazes in Binfield (Bracknell Forest Borough Council)
Great Wood in White Waltham (Royal Borough of W & M)
Junction8/9 in Holyport/Bray. ( Royal Borough of W & M)
The major concerns of residents remain the same as before: Very special
circumstances to override Green Belt policy do not existFirst continuous
countryside on M4 outside of London.Increased noise and disturbance 24hrs
a day. Damage to wildlife habitat and woodland setting. Whole area
illuminated at night. Majority of traffic on M4 is commuter traffic
Distance between Heston and Reading MSAs already satisfies Government
The need for additional MSAs is on the M25


New major junction on the M11 in the Sheering area could have devastating
effects for Essex, a councillor has warned. Cllr Gerard McEwen, who
represents Ongar on the county council, intervened during a debate at
Tuesday's county cabinet meeting which was considering the London South
Midlands multi-modal study. This is a Government study looking at the
transport needs of an area to the north and north west of London - similar
to the LOIS (London to Ipswich corridor) study. Although the report has
not proposed a link from the M11 to the former A414 (now the A1060), an
east-west route north of Harlow, with another junction on the M11, may be
part of a future strategy for the whole of the London, Stansted, Cambridge
area, linked with proposals for Stansted Airport, a report to the cabinet
pointed out. And it was known that Hertfordshire County Council favours an
option of extending the A414 from Eastwick in that county across north
Harlow, to a new junction with the M11 at Sheering, councillors were told.
Cllr McEwen warned this would suit Hertfordshire, but affect Essex. "It
would cause chaos on that stretch of the M11. They first suggested it
about 12 years ago and we won the day on that engagement," he said. "Now
they are reviving it and trying again. It would suit Hertfordshire to do
that, but it would affect all of Essex." It could affect Chelmsford by
taking more traffic to the north of Roxwell and Writtle and into the town
via Roxwell Road and Rainsford Road, he warned. Essex County Council's
response to consultation on the study should be strengthened to stress
opposition to such a scheme, he said. A spokesman for Hertfordshire
County Council said that before any decisions were made on major road
schemes neighbouring authorities, such as Essex County Council and borough
and district councils would be fully consulted.


A £15 million relief road for Stowmarket has been given the go-ahead by
councillors, despite environmental concerns. Suffolk county councillors
agreed yesterday to give planning permission for the road, designed to
ease pressure on the eastern side of Stowmarket. About one mile of single
carriageway will now be built from Stowmarket's inner relief road, the
A1308 Gipping Way near the junction with Milton Road East, to the existing
B1115 Stowupland Road near the bridge over the A14.The £15m scheme will
include a bridge over the main railway line and the River Gipping. David
Palk, the county council's development manager, said: "This is an
important project and will reduce queuing and congestion on the route
leading to the level crossing.
"There will be some limited impact on nature conservation'' Councillors
were told Mid Suffolk District Council had concerns about noise generated
during construction, but did not object in principle.
English Nature had concerns that about 40% of a reed bed area would be
lost and an area of river bank inhabited by water voles would also be
destroyed if the development went ahead. Residents also complained the
road would harm their quiet rural setting, creating more noise.


Cornwall County Council is adopting the Highways Agency's new early
contractor involvement procurement route for two of its road schemes. This
route requires the contractor to work in two phases. The first involves
drawing up the outline design of the road and taking it through all the
necessary statutoryprocesses, including public inquiries. The second
comprises the detailed design and construction of the project. The first
scheme is the £22m to £28m A391 St Austell to the A30 link road. The
project requires construction of 9km of single carriageway road, including
climbing lanes, roundabouts, structures and earthworks, plus side
roads.The second scheme is the £7m to £8m A39 Camelford regeneration
distributor road. Work comprises the construction of 4km of single
carriageway road, roundabouts, structures, earthworks and side roads.


A campaign group fighting plans to reopen a Devon quarry is preparing for
a public inquiry that will settle the dispute.Ashton and Christow
residents formed the Teign Valley Action Group (TVAG) to stop Ryecroft
Quarry on the edge of Dartmoor being re-worked. A six-day public inquiry
is to be held in Christow at Teign Valley Community Hall, beginning at
10am tomorrow, to establish if permission to quarry the site is still in
existence.Permission was granted in 1949 but is valid only if Ryecroft
Quarry Ltd can prove the quarry was used over the following 30 years. TVAG
vice-chairman Jerry Horsman said: "Ryecroft is now taking quarry waste
from the site and we fear there will be even more dust and noise if they
get permission to quarry."He said there was no proof quarrying had taken
place at the site since 1939 and that Devon County Council had declared
the quarry extinct in 1992."In 1995, with no public consultation and
contrary to the known facts, the council changed its mind and listed
Ryecroft as having a live planning permission capable of being
reactivated." He said the inquiry was non-statutory - meaning it was not
legally binding -but added Devon County Council had promised it would
abide by the inspector's decision. Dartmoor Preservation Association
chairman John Bainbridge said: "We have supported the people of the Teign
Valley throughout this challenge as it has national implications about
long-outdated permissions. "The current working at the site has already
had a devastating effect on the area which is currently designated an Area
of Great Landscape Value - a county council designation."A spokesman for
Ryecroft Quarry said: "We shall submit robust defence of the validity of
the dormant status of the quarry."In the meantime the stockpiles - quarry
waste - continue to be removed from the site."


The construction industry has overwhelmingly welcomed the Highways Agency's
proposals to package groups of new road schemes to speed up delivery of
projects and reduce the cost of bidding for works. Thirty major
contractors and consultants responded to the Highways Agency's
questionnaire inviting comments on proposals to package road improvement
schemes valued at over £5million into larger, long-term contracts. 100%
supported the principle of packaging major schemes 97% supported the idea
of geographically based packages, enabling local teams to be kept together
80% wanted 5 years plus of steady construction turnover, at a level
appropriate to the size of their company 50% supported the idea of
packaging similar types of work, enabling knowledge and learning to be
carried forward 43% supported the inclusion of major maintenance in major
scheme packages 25% considered that packages should include specialist
schemes such as tunneling


Highways bosses are carrying out a fresh study to assess the merits of
building a long-awaited bypass to ease traffic congestion through
Crediton. Devon County Council officials are drawing up a report into the
feasibility of the road scheme. The local authority has said the study
will be ready for publication in less than five months. The A377, between
Exeter and Crediton, is one of Devon's most dangerous roads and many
residents have been calling for a bypass to relieve traffic congestion in
the market town since the late 1970s. But a Devon County Council report
concluded last year that a £17 million bypass would not be feasible and
instead recommended relief roads for Kingskerswell and Barnstaple. The
latest research is set to look at traffic problems along the A377 at
Crediton. The purpose of the report will be to weigh up the likely
benefits and costs of potential traffic relief schemes to address the
An attempt will also be made to assess how the town's traffic problems could
increase over the coming decades if no action is taken. Highways officers
are likely to look at the merits of several possible solutions to the
town's traffic problems. These are set to include building a bypass to the
north of Crediton, creating a relief road to the town's trading estate and
upgrading the road to Creedy Corner. Crediton Mayor Charlie Haydon said:
"We have been waiting for something to be done about the traffic problems
through Crediton for a long time. Even though we may not get a bypass, we
will still need to have some sort of relief scheme for the town." Devon
County Council spokeswoman Jo Clarke said: "The report will address the
results of our ongoing investigations into the identified issues and our
proposed options or strategy for dealing with these.
"In the meantime the current safeguarded route for the bypass remains."


Transport Minister Alistair Darling is not convinced of the case for
improving a major approach road into the region, business leaders claimed
The minister was lobbied by members of the business community on the need
to create a dual carriageway on the A30/A303 during a visit to the region
last night. They claim the road will attract new businesses. But it is
controversial because the A303 goes through the Blackdown Hills, an Area
of Outstanding Natural Beauty. There are now fears that the case for
improving the road has fallen on deaf ears. Tim Jones, chairman of the
Devon and Cornwall Business Council, said: "The minister said he wasn't
persuaded that we were not simply talking about getting people in and out
quicker. "He said we would have to build a compelling business case.
Unless we do I think it will be difficult to beat the environmental lobby
who have been very successful. We have a lot more work to do." Mr Jones
said the minister was leaning towards the recommendation in a recent
report not to dual the A30/A303 but to dual the A358 between Ilminster and
the M5 at Taunton instead. He said a lot more lobbying would now be needed
if the minister was going to change his mind.
He added: "I am quite pessimistic about what he said."


The road will secure Rotherwas as the key industrial base for Hereford and
confirms the council's commitment to overcoming the current access
problems to the site. A planning application for the proposed Rotherwas
Access Road, submitted on Wednesday, September 4, makes clear the vital
importance the Council attaches to this scheme for the future economic
success of the Rotherwas Industrial Area and Hereford itself The new road,
a 3.3 km (2 miles) long single carriageway road, will link the A49 trunk
road near the Grafton Inn to Holme Lacy road in Rotherwas. At an estimated
cost in the region of £6 million, it will pass below the Hoarwithy Road,
just south of Green Crize, and cross the foot of Dinedore Hill to enter
the industrial estate at Gatehouse Road. Extensive investigations have
been carried out during the design process to ensure that the impact on
the local environment is minimised and the design incorporates large areas
of landscaping and much of the route will be in shallow cutting. Cllr
Chris Chappell, Cabinet Member (Economic Development),stressed the
importance of the new road and said: "This Planning Application for the
Rotherwas Access Road marks a key stage in a project that is vital to the
future development of Rotherwas as the industrial base of Hereford.
"Herefordshire Council has made absolutely clear that it is committed to
overcoming the inadequacies of the current access into Rotherwas from
Holme Lacy Road. We intend to provide the infrastructure necessary for the
long term development of this major industrial area." Cllr Chris Grover,
Cabinet Member (Environment), said: "The design of the new road
demonstrates the importance we place on balancing our economic and
environmental ambitions for Herefordshire "We've carried out exhaustive
studies to establish the best overall design for this road, which will
bring long awaited relief to the communities on the Holme Lacy Road whilst
recognising the constraints of any development within Herefordshire's
beautiful countryside."
The Rotherwas Access Road is a key element of Herefordshire Local
Transport Plan. Subject to Planning Approval, construction is expected to
start in 2005 with completion in 2007


Trial pits are being dug to check potential WPR routes.
THE next stage in preparing to build a bypass for Aberdeen has begun.
Engineers will be excavating trial pits along the various route options of
the proposed northern leg of the Western Peripheral Route to make
comparative assessments. They want to know if they would face construction
difficulties such as rock formations and if excavated material could be
re-used in a scheme such as building embankments.
It will also lead to a detailed assessment of what the likely cost would
be of building a new road on the alternative routes. It is stressed that
although cost is important it is only one of the comparative assessments
that is being made -there will also be environmental, traffic and economic
assessments before a preferred option is chosen. Aberdeen City Council
Leader and chair of NESTRANS Councillor Len Ironside said: "It is
important that every piece of information about the alternative routes is
available before a preferred option is chosen - and public consultation is
also of paramount importance. "The Scottish Executive has said that fixing
Aberdeen's traffic congestion problems is one of their top 10 priorities.
We believe that the evidence is overwhelming that the Western Peripheral
Route should be built and are confident that financial commitment will
come from the Scottish Executive in the coming months."
He said that a huge public consultation exercise would probably take place
in the Spring of 2003 when the detailed comparative assessments have been
completed. The public views will be added to the assessment works to
permit Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire councils to take a decision on the
preferred route. That exercise will be as wide as possible and involve
public meetings and exhibitions, as well as newspaper based
questionnaires. Over the last two months consultation has been taking
place with community councils, landowners and statutory bodies. It is
stressed that consultation at this point of time is asking for comment on
the range of route options and suggestions of any alternatives that should
be considered, or constraints on those identified. The trial pit
excavations will take place with agreement from landowners. In the
majority of areas the tests will be to between three to four metres below
soil level.
The possible routes for the northern leg of the Western Peripheral Route
are between the A96 Inverurie Road and the A90 Ellon Road.Following
rigorous analysis the options were narrowed down by the two councils from
more than 100 routes.


EarthRights acted for North Devon Friends of the Earth in opposing
Compulsory Purchase Orders for the bridge and bypass scheme at a Public
Inquiry ordered by the Secretary of State. The £35 million scheme is
opposed on the grounds that, although Devon County Council had granted
planning permission for the project, environmental impacts had not been
properly assessed, and that the project was likely to cause irreparable
damage to a number of protected species, including otters, bats and a
large number of endangered bird species, including little egrets,
kingfishers andperegrines.
The proposed road would cut through the Taw-Torridge Site of Special
Scientific Interest (cited as nationally important for over-wintering and
migratory birds) and it is argued the site should be designated as a
candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) under the EU Habitats
Directive. It is also one of the most important sites for the recovering
otter population in the South West.
EarthRights have argued that if the Secretary of State confirms the
Compulsory Purchase Orders it would have the effect of allowing a scheme
to proceed which would be in breach of both the EIA Regulations and the EU
Directives on Wild Birds and Habitats. A decision is not anticipated until
late 2002.


The road carries traffic between Norwich and Ipswich. Three thousand
households in Norfolk are to be sent leaflets asking occupants to state
their preferred route for a new bypass. Villagers will be able to choose
between five possible routes for the diversion of the A140 around Long
Stratton. Residents have campaigned for over 60 years to get heavy traffic
on the road, which runs from Norwich to Ipswich, diverted around their
village. Now Norfolk County Council has given the bypass priority in its
local transport plan, and is beginning a major public consultation
exercise. Villagers took protests to the streets in 1996 The various
routes are between two and four miles long, and will cost between £6m and
The council is also asking villagers if they believe the road should be
single or dual carriageway.The leaflets will drop through letterboxes
shortly, and must be returned by late November


The Tunstall Northern Bypass (Stoke-on-Trent) is intended to link
Sandyford with St.Michaels Road, Pitts Hill at two points.Planning
permission for the road was granted, without a public inquiry, in 1997. So
the replacement open space issue became the only means of objection, even
for those with valid health and safety concerns.
As result of the 1998 Public Inquiry and reports by the Inspector and
Secretary of State, it was found that the legally required replacement
public open space offered by the council was not "equally advantageous".
This meant the scheme had to then proceed to a Joint Parliamentary
Committee. The council cynically thought it could get away with a second
best offer. The Joint Parliamentary Committee ruling lays down a welcome
marker on the importance of public open space in major urban schemes.


In the early hours of the morning a number of campaigners began an
occupation of the archaeological site of Carrickmines Castle. The
excavation of the site, which is still incomplete, was wound up on Friday
evening to make way for the destruction of a large proportion of the site
for the completion of the M50 motorway. The campaigners are calling for a
realignment of the motorway to preserve the medieval site.
The occupation is a non-violent spontaneous civil protest. Cian
O'Callaghan, mediaspokesperson said: "575 million euro is been spent on
the South Eastern Motorway which is the final part of the M50 C-Ring
Motorway around Dublin.
It is outrageous that such a large amount of money is been spent without
preserving the archaeological site at Carrickmines Castle. The
excavations, which ended on Friday, are still vastly incomplete. If the
road goes ahead without realignment we will never know what historical
artefacts have been lost. Carrickmines Castle has a unique history and
heritage value. It was a Norman Castle that played a central role in the
defence of the Pale. This role was vital during the nine years war in the
16th century. The castle was destroyed in 1642 when Irish Confederate
rebels were besieged and massacred by the English at Carrickmines. "We are
not opposed to the construction of this motorway but we are opposed to the
unnecessary destruction of our heritage and culture. A simple realignment
of the road and a scaling down of a proposed access roundabout will
preserve much of the archaeological site. If the Motorway goes ahead as
planned a precedent will be set for the destruction of heritage sites
across the country.


WEBSITE: http://www.roadalert.org.uk
EMAIL: info@roadalert.org.uk

Out now!

(History of Czechoslovakian punk and hardcore between 1977 and 1989)

More than 300 pages thick publication with almost 150 photos,
professionally printed and produced. It is written in Czech language but
it comes with long and detailed summary in English.
The book talks at length about the beginnings of punk rock in
Czechoslovakia (first bands being EXTEMPORE, ENERGIE G or ZIKKURAT),
following are the chapters about the most important bands during 80s
The rest of the book is dedicated to less known bands from all parts of
the country, to recordings (with full list of punk/HC tapes from these
times), zines and gigs during this era. The end of the book is dedicated
to interview with people active back then in Czechoslovakian punk rock.
The book was released in total d.i.y. way by people around the zine
The price is 7 EU/USD + postage, for Europe it is 3 EU, rest of the
world 6 EU Air Mail. Add 1 EU/USD if you want registered postage. Trades
are possible but write first.

602 00 BRNO

PS: Of course I know most of you are crazy fans of old US, Scandinavian
or Japanese bands, but maybe you should finally wake up to the fact that
there were cool bands everywhere – in each fucking corner of this




Benjamin Persky, a NYC animal rights activist, is currently in
jail on Rikers Island stemming from protests against Huntingdon Life
Sciences inApril ( for more info on the campaign visit
http://www.shacus.net ). He has been in Rikers for over 3 weeks.
Benjamin has eaten a little bit of rice and pasta, however he has not eaten anything
substantial, goes many days with no
food at all, has received no vegetables/fruit/vitamins, andis starting to feel ill.
Daily activists call the jail, trying to get him vegan food.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has faxed numerous
letters from M.D.'s, all of which have mysteriously gone
missing. The jail has told us repeatedly that there is nothing they can do to help Benjamin.
He *finally* met with a doctor and was told that,
since he does not have a medical condition, he will not refer him to a
nutritionist. We fear it is only a short matter of time before this *does* become a medical condition.
So, let's give them a fucking diagnosis...a phone blockade! (more info below these numbers)
George R. Vierno Center (where Benjamin is in jail):
718.546.2020 Dietician: Cecilia Petit, 718.546.2253 Clinic: 718.546.2200, 718.546.2202, fs: 718.546.2757
Head of Nutritional Service: Ms. Johnson, 212.487.6266, fx: 212.487.7515, 17 Battery Place, NYC
Emphasize that Benjamin cannot eat meat, dairy, or eggs - for
health and ethical reasons. Eating them will make him sick. They'll tell you Benjamin needs to arrange
all this himself, meet with a doctor,
etc.He's already done this and been told they can't help him.
In the past, jails have received so many calls from concerned
activists,friends and family that they've literally come to a halt. Let's make sure this place can't function
until Benjamin gets adequate
food. This will set a precedent that the belief in a vegan diet is no less significant than a Kosher diet,
it should be given the same
attention and accommodations, and that we will not sit idly by while jails starve our activists!
Benjamin also needs letters. Write him at:
Benjamin Persky #1410212600
George R. Vierno Ctr.
0909 Hazen Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11370
mailto: lettersforbenjamin@hotmail.com , lettersforbenjamin@hotmail.com
(mailed off weekly)

also... am montach 4.11. spielen die uuuuuunglaublich netten PIREXIA
aus URUGUAY zusammen mit den MINUS 1 aus BERLIN im
ARENA BEISL (wien, 3.baumg.80) und das bei FREIEM EINTRITT
und feinen dj klängen...

PIREXIA kombinieren melancholische melodien mit wütigen
hardcorepunk made in south-america, MINUS 1 aus berlin sind eine
abgedrehte mischung zwischen NO MEANS NO, schweinecoolen rock'n'roll
aus amerikas vorstadt-garagen u. d-punk m. zynisch-intelligenten texten....



Sa 9.11.02 POLISH - PUNK – NIGHT with

Tak, po raz trzeci sklot E.K.H. zasmierdnie polskim pankowym lajnem, tym razem bedziecie mogli poczuc smord i wypociny nastepujacych zespolow: skloterski zespol o wdziecznej nazwie EXMISJA z gliwic, grajaca czadowego pank roka wprost z ich serc, nastepnie LET STONES TALK z najbardziej zdegradowanej i zdegenerowanej czesci polski i taka tez muzyke soba prezentuja jako ostatnie THIRD DEGREE z olsztyna ze swoja „delikatnoscia“ sprobuja wam przekazac o co im kurwa chodzi (my nie wiemy) warto dodac ze koncert jest benefitem na squat „krzyk“ w gliwicach oraz akcje „jedzenie zamiast polityki“ zyczymy. Dobre zmarnowanego czasu!

yes, third time squat E.K.H. will be stink with polish punk dung. this time you`ll smell stench and perspiration of the band: squat band with gratefull name EXMISJA from gliwice, which play powerfull punk straight from their hearts. As the next LET STONES TALK from the most devastate and degenerate part of poland and they will present us the same music. Last THIRD DEGREE from olsztyn with their full of „gentleness“ music, will try to show whats the fuck going on. gig is benefit for squat „krzyk“ in gliwice and action „food not politics“ also in gliwice. We wish you so fucking wasted time this night!



hausbesetzerInnen in salzburg brauchen hilfe!

die erste nacht überstanden, am morgen stress mit polizei und besitzer...

letzten freitag zogen wir, eine gruppe salzburgerInnen, in ein teilweise leerstehendes haus in salzburg ein. nachdem die ersten zwei tage schon kräftig für renovierungs- und einzugsarbeiten genutzt wurden, stand am dritten tag der besitzer vor der tür. nachdem sich herausstellte, dass dieser (ein etwas cholerischer richter...) an keinem gespräch interessiert war und uns eigentlich sowieso nur anzeigen wollte, war wenig später auch die polizei da und zwang uns zur aufgabe der besetzten räume. das haus verliesen wir aber nicht da die derzeitigen mieterInnen uns als ihre gäste einluden bei ihnen zu bleiben.

wir sind wenige und hoffen dem besitzer bald klarmachen zu können, dass wir dieses haus instand besetzen und uns dort freiräume schaffen wollen. wir wollen einen ort wo wir autonom unsere lebensräume gestalten können, wo wir UNSER leben führen können.

nach den ereignissen rund um die diesjährigen anti-wef proteste und der rolle die das SSF (salzburg social forum) dabei gespielt hat, war vielen von uns mehr oder weniger klar, dass die global-bewegung den punkt ihrer spaltung erreicht hat. die bürgerlichen kräfte verabschieden sich richtung reform und somit zum reproduktions-prozess des kapitalismus. das kann nicht unser weg sein und deswegen werden wir unsere eigenen strukturen brauchen. diese müßen wir uns erkämpfen.

es ist derzeit nicht klar was der morgige tag bringt, und schon gar nicht was übermorgen sein wird. aber wir wollen auf jeden fall dran (und drin!) bleiben, steckt doch schon einiges an arbeit in unserem wunderschönen haus. wir werden wahrscheinlich jede form von unterstützung brauchen, das heißt vor allem euch!

kommt nach salzburg, besucht uns, macht mit! oder helft mit diesen stein weiter ins rollen zu bringen: besetzt häuser bei euch, macht infoläden auf oder lasst euch sonstwas einfallen. die zeit des wartens muss irgendwann vorbei sein, antikapitalistische strukturen müßen aufgebaut werden.

wir freuen uns über jeden besuch, je mehr und je öfter desto besser! vorläufig erreichen könnt ihr uns unter

weitere infos folgen sobald wie möglich...


petek, 27.9. in sobota 28.9.2002
festival: ORTO PUNK #9

>koncert skupin:
ACCION MUTANTE (nemcija), SUFFOCATE (slovaska), KURWA APARATA (avstrija),
MOTUS (hrvaska), AMOK (hrvaska), OUTRE (hrvaska), PAS MATERS (hrvaska),
KILL THE ROUTINE (slovenija),
MALO MORGEN (slovenija), AD INFINITUM (slovenija),
DICKLESS TRACY (slovenija), CORCORAS (slovenija)...

>video in dia projekcije
>diskusije in predstavitve
>hrana ne bombe
>direktne akcije
>nogometni turnir
>in mnogo drugega...
Letos bo AK RAFAL iz AC MOLOTOV-a (v sodelovanju s KAPA) ze drugic organiziral tradicionalni
anarho punk festival imenovan DRMRR ORTO PUNK, ki pa sicer letos slavi deveto obletnico.
Festival se bo tako kot ponavadi odvijal v Gala Hali na Metelkovi, potekal pa bo skozi ves dan zunaj,
znotraj in vsepovsod. Poleg glasbenega programa bo letos se bolje organiziran sirok, pester, mednaroden in politicen program, ki je del scene, katera priraja ta festival. Tako bomo lahko sodelovali v politicnih
akcijah po mestu Ljubljana, diskutirali o aktualnih temah, spremljali predavanja in predstavitve,
se najedli ob HRANA NE BOMBE, se razmigali na nogometnem turnirju, svojo zbirko nadgradili z novimi kasetami,
ploscami, knjigami in brosurami, se vkljucili v politicno dejavnost, sprejeli razlicne informacije,
se sprostili ob video projekcijah, ter prisustvovali pri mnogo cem drugem. ORTO PUNK tako znova
ne bo le glasbeno-zurerski festival, pac pa politicno obarvan in angazirano realiziran. Pripravlja se se
mnogo stvari, mi pa vas vabimo, da se festivala udelezite in pri njem cimbolj sodelujete,
ter od njega cimvec odnesete.

BOOM BOOM KID "okey dokey dok!" picture disc out NOW!!! BBKID is nekro,
the singer of FUN PEOPLE, and his orchestra so get this brilliant piece of fat waxed,
wobat proved motherfuckin' vinyl! also watch out for the
BBKID / ZINC european tour
in september/october 2002 - go out and see these shows!!!

BOOM BOOM KID, ein seitenprojekt der uuuuuunglaublichen FUN PEOPLE (plastic bomb mag sie sehr, maximum rock'n'roll ist dauerhaft entzückt und meine mama liebt sie!) aus buenos aires, werden im herbst für kurze zeit gemeinsam mit den spanischen ZINC (nachgesagt wird ihnen so ziemliches, musikalisch jedoch auf alle fälle folgendes -life but how to live it, the gits, tilt, poison idea...) durch europa touren... des weiteren wird's von den BOOM BOOM KIDs auf UGLY EUROPE einen 12" picture disc longplayer mit all ihren knüllern geben (so ab ende juli). die platte hat keinen fetten vertrieb und keine fette promotion, alles punk und dumm, aber so ist's halt schöner.
bitte verbreitets all die infos in euren zines, sites usw. weiter, wir haben die unterstützung gut nötig und außerdem sind die bands wirklich so geil, daß ihr euch alle in den arsch beißen sollt, wenn ihr sie verpasst!


21.9. barcelona (es)
22.9. paris (f)
23.9. holland
24.9. wunstorf (d)
25.9. regensburg (d)
26.9. freiburg (d) tbc
27.9. zürich (swi)
28.9. hohenems (ö)
29.9. wien (ö)
30.9. graz (ö)
1.10. ljubljana(slo)
2.10. udine (ita)
3.10. torino (ita)
4.10. dijon (f)
5.10. st.etienne (f)
6.10. zaragoza (es)

read some reviews from maximun rock n roll:okey estos reviews
aparecieron en el numero 221 del MRR de octubre del 2001:
BOOM BOOM KID "abrazame/ido" cd ep.
This is apparently the other band of the guy from FUN PEOPLE.this is
actually really good.It's dark and well thought out and pulled off really
well. Lyrics in spanish as well as english giving it a spainglish feel.This
is an emotional roller caster and for having only two song here that's
saying a lot. do your self a favor and pick this up. this is incredible.
What a perplexing,interesting cd. back when i was reading "rational
inquirer" this band was constantly hyped for their unique sound and
diversity.I figured it wa band with such original sounds like this that were
able to evoke what i'm feeling now.It sounds corny, but i wish i knew how to
write about this music as well as they can play it . lots of intense and
unexpected tempo changes and superb, expresive vocals. they change styles so
frequently on this disc that it's impossible to get bored.

tour: sacroismo@hotmail.com
distribution: ugly europe ripoffstandards@hotmail.com
get boom boom kid c-60 tape: riottapes@hotmail.com
boom boom kid / fun people bbkidz@interorganic.com.ar , www.bbkidz.fwd.com.ar
zinc: borguia@yahoo.es



Petek/ Friday 23.8. , 17.00

Red Five Point Star 17.00
Not Yet 18.00
Kurwa Aparata 19.00
Vaška subkultura 20.00
Wreck 21.00
Dicky B. Hardy 22.00
Dr. Green 23.00
Rodriguez 00.30

Dr. Zero 01.30

Sobota/ Saturday 24.8. , 16.00

Kaoz 16.00
Low Value 17.00
The Bill 18.00
Displaced 19.00
Analena 20.00
Motus 20.40
Aktivna propaganda 21.20
Inkwizycja 22.00
Hocu? Necu! 23.00
Subsistence 01.30

28.8. - 1.9. 2002
SREDISCE - SV Slovenije / SI Slovenije / North.East Slovenia







Vec informacij in kontakt / infos and contact :


Hallo Leute!
Latti macht ein Sommerfest:

Coolste Ska-Punkband Mitteleuropas. Schneller Ska trifft auf rotzigen
Punkrock. Angereichert mit coolen Bläsern.

Genialer HC-Punk, der aus den 80er Jahren sein könnte

HC-Punk mit viel Energie und Liebe gespielt. Die zwei Mädels und zwei
Burschen werden das Tüwi nur so wegrocken!

SA 20.7.2002 Wien, Tüwi Beginn:20.30
19.,Peter-Jordan-Straße 76
(10A,40A Dänenstraße)

Die angekündigten Amen 81 haben leider abgesagt.

Nächstes Konzert von Latti-Rec.:
27.7. Csizmáskandúr, Schimmelpilze, Loony Brain - Shelter

11. TRANSMITTER Festival,

Fr 6. Sep: Coreattack
RED ALERT (uk) 79´ Punk
THE RIFFS (uk) Ska

Sa 7. Sep: Coreattack
EA80 (ger) Punk
NINE (swe) HC

Th 12. Sep: Artattack
MOSE (aut) Jazz sond mix

Fr 13. Sep: Artattack
VOLXTEATER KARAWANE performance + Film
TEXTA (aut) Hip Hop
ATTWENGER (aut) dialect bubble beat up and down
harmonica balkan flavour short stories

Sa 14. Sep: Artattack
FOKUHILA (aut) take the piss out
of folkmusic, dialect songs

the price available at: www.transmitter.at and some more infos

FREIRAD 105,9 Mhz

Endlich ist es soweit - Immer auf 105,9 Mhz von Zirl bis Wattens,
jeweilsMontags-Freitags, 17.00-18.00 Uhr, gibt es das Phonzimmer der
P. M.K. (Plattform mobiler Kulturinitiativen) zu hören.
Innerhalb dieser Sendeschiene findet ihr jeweils Dienstags, also von
17.00-18.00, unsere Grauzone-Radioshow "Audiocollapse"!

Die erste Sendung, bei der natürlich alle Welt zuhören muß, gibt`s also am
Dienstag den 9. Juli zu hören! Inhalt der ersten Audiocollapse-Sendung wird
alles mögliche sein, u.a. ein Winterbrief-Special, ein Meeting mit Fifi and
Mach 3 und Musik von Reggie and the Full Effect, Boy Sets Fire, Botch, Sonny
Vincent, (International) Noise Conspiracy, Instil und vielen anderen mehr.
Also Dienstags nix tun und zwischen 17.00 und 18.00 Uhr Radio Freirad

weiters worth checking:

... die erste Innsbrucker d´n´b radio show auf FREIRAD

desmosom und ..ego. werden euch mit frischem stuff und szenerelevanten infos
versorgen. probelauf gibts am mi. dem 10.07. um 23:00!
dann gehts monatlich zur sache und zwar jeden zweiten mittwoch im monat!

support your local scene! (so wie so!!!)

We are a punkband from Finland
called Peruutettu and we are touring
in Europe 29.7-20.8.2002.

We are searching gigs for days between 29.07-01.08.2002 and 20.08 is
free day too.. We are looking for gigs all the time
so if you could help us or you know someone who
can.. please dont hesitate to contact!

First gig for sure will be in Cz at Anti-fest festival 3.8.2002
After that we will play in Austria, Slovakia,
Hungary, Italy and Germany.

Our bands homepages you can find here http://peruutettu.cjb.net
You can find soundsamples and stuff from those pages.
And please write to me as soon as possible if there´s chance
to play in your town?!?!

Jani - Peruutettu

Der österreichische PUNKROCK-Mailorder ?TEENAGE RIOT
IMPERIUM? (NÖ) ist nun endlich online !!!

Bitte veröffentlichen, weitersagen, verlinken usw...


P.s. bitte keine Newsletter an diese Adresse schicken!

LIVE IM E.K.H. AM 20.6.02 KOHU-63 (fin) + DIZLEKD (nl)

Seit 1980!! sind KOHU-63 aus Fuckin`Finland jetzt schon in der Punkszene aktiv. Unzählige LP`s, 7 inches...haben Sie veröffentlicht. Endlich kommen Sie auch mal zu uns ins Haus um uns jungen Schöseln zu zeigen was eigentlich Punkrock ist und heißt. Typischer Finnenpunk alter Schule werden Kohu-63 zum besten geben. Einmalige Chance das mal live mitzuerleben. Supportet werden Sie von DIZLEKD aus den Niederlanden. Laut eigendefination spielen die Holländer Crustpunk like DOOM oder SEDITION mit Sängerin. Da können Wir uns ja nur noch auf diesen Abend freuen. See ya in the pit....


Hello fellow-punx,

This is a mail from Richard from Holland. I am doing UPS, which stand for Underground Punk Support.
UPS is a DIY label, zine and distro, dedicated to Underground Punk/HC bands with a message.

Recently I have released:
UPSrecords#4 NederThrash in Opkomst 7". Compilation with 10 songs in Dutch language by Mihoen, No-Men,
Cockroach, Betercore, Tuco Ramirez, SAF and Seein'Red. Anti-Monarchistic sub-theme.

This is how it is reviewed in MRR#228:
...This is an awesome DIY comp of Dutch Hardcore with the likes of Mihoen, Seein'Red, No-Men, Cockroach,
Betercore, Tuco Ramirez and Saf - ranging from sporadic, hectic screamcore to more straight-up driven
mid-tempo stuff. Extensive xerox-style artwork. I thought the comments from the label guy about misdirected
nationalism, and this type of regional comp in general, were timely. (AC)
In the same MRR issue the EP is listed in the Top 10 chart of Mike Thorn.

I am looking for distributors. I was wondering if you are interested in trading against your releases,
so I can distribute them overhere.
If so, please let me know how many copies you can use of the NederThrash EP
and what you have available in trade.

Thanx and Cheers,

Richard UPS
Wanmolen 5
3833 ED Leusden
the Netherlands


Hi friends. we are a hardcore punk do it yourself band, from Uruguay - South America, our name is Pirexia,
and with Santi Ric (Fuerza para Vivir - Topo Radio from Zaragoza - Spain), we are organising a
tour around Europe, which will start the first week of october 2002, to make this possible, it's necesary
put in touch with you,gigs' organiser, distributor, label and zines which are interested,
please contact us, it's really important.
Thank you very much.

You can communicate with:
Santi Ric: csaelcastillo@hotmail.com or: tour@pirexia.com

In a few week our web site www.pirexia.com will be ready,
there you´ll be able to find, information about the band, pictures en download mp3.

Contactos Inocencia Discos - Pirexia
Mario Pareja 765 - 90200 Las Piedras - Canelones - Uruguay.
(005982) 3643823 - inocenciadiscos@pirexia.com

Punk Festval in Ljutomer/Slovenien
7. und 8. Juni



INTERSTELLAR RECORDS are searching gigs for this fantastic band from zagreb/croatia
named POLJA LAVANDE, they are so amazing. listen this mp3 on

26.6 free for shedule
27.6. free for shedule
28.6. Netherlands
29.6. Netherlands
..and after
30.6. free for shedule
booking contact:

out now on INTERSTELLAR:

INT004 ANALENA / SENSUAL LOVE "it´s never too late to split up" CD

INT003 V/A "supernova" 4 x tape box, limited of 111
INTERSTATÈ 35, MONSTER DVD (Government Alpha and Zeni Geva´s

INT002 QUETZAL "dead end tracks" LP
(CD @ Conspiracy Rec.)

INT001 SENSUAL LOVE / BUG "split collaboration for split personalities" CD

INT000 V/A "ad nauseam" CD

soon to come:
INT004 ANALENA / SENSUAL LOVE "it´s never too late to split up" 10inch

DISARM/H407 split-7" production!!!

Here's Borys/DISARM/TETANUS Prodistro from Italy.
Are you interested in releasing or, at least, co-releasing, DISARM/H407 split-7" EP???

Disarm: after two demos, one Cd-r, split-7" with Obbrobrio, split-7"/k7/Cd-r with Migra Violenta and split-7" with Born Sick (upcoming), Disarm are back with six new tracks thrashing at the speed of light. Lyrics dealing with the massacre of Sabra and Chatila in 1982.
H407: the guys are from Poland and play grindcore in the eastern-european way with some death metal touches. New stuff after two tapes. Very interesting lyrics in polish!!

f you are not bored yet, if you have something in mind, just ask for a sample and you'll immediately get music, lyrics, artwork and my gratitude.

Take care,

Borys Catelani, Loc. Capannelle, 55020 Castelvecchio Pascoli (LU), Italy
E-mail: borysc@tin.it or tetanus28@hotmail.com
URL: http://tetanus.cjb.net (Disarm/Unsung infos, lyrics, mp3... and always updated Tetanus distro list)





hallo liebe leute!

lange hat’s gedauert, aber nun haben wir uns dazu entschlossen,
einen kulturverein zu gründen. - wir, das sind nach wie vor die
leute von der waidhofner hardcore-band “E.M.S.”, außerdem verbandelt
mit der wiener band “RADIKALKUR”, und gemeinsam machen wir auch das
label/mailorder “BLOODSHED666”. den kulturverein haben wir nun
einerseits aus veranstaltungstechnischen gründen gegründet, aber
auch weil wir eine greifbare und offene plattform für unsere
aktivitäten und ideen schaffen wollen. der name des vereins lautet
“in dubio contra”, was “im zweifel dagegen” bedeutet.
das konzert am I. juni ist eigentlich schon unsere IO. veranstaltung
im raum waidhofen, läuft aber zum ersten mal unter dem neuen namen.
das haben wir zum anlass genommen, ein ordentliches sommerfest
daraus zu machen, d.h. es wird ab I7 uhr nachmittag cocktails (erlös
geht an die anti-wef-plattform), veganes grillen und platten- & infostände geben.
um 2O uhr legen dann die bands los, und die sind auch diesmal wieder nicht ohne:

- CONTRAVENE aus arizona/u.s.a spielen klassischen crust mit
anarchistischen texten, haben gerade einen longplayer auf TRIBAL WAR
veröffentlicht und sind zum ersten mal auf europa-tour.
- bei NEWBORN aus budapest spielen ex-DAWNCORE-mitglieder und sie
liefern hochklassigen hardcore: schnell, melodische gitarren und
energetischer gesang. vor kurzem haben sie eine grandiose split-I2”
mit CATHARSIS (u.s.a.) veröffentlicht.
- RADIKALKUR spielen schon zum 4. mal in waidhofen,
anarcho-crust/harcorepunk aus wien, eine split-LP mit JASON aus
brasilien soll demnächst veröffentlicht werden.
- SCEPSIS aus amstetten schlagen in eine ähnliche kerbe wie ihre
kollegen von DRESCHFLEGEL, also hochgeschwindigkeits-grind/power-violence.
- MAN-AT-ARMS ist die neue band der ex-BLOODY MARY-drummerin und vom
DRESCHFLEGEL-gitarristen, sie spielen jazzig-schräg angehauchten und
ziemlich heftigen hardcore mit 2 shoutern.

internet-resources: www.bloodshed666.com, www.contravene.cjb.net,
www.radikalkur.com, www.antiwef.org, www.austria.indymedia.org,
www.no-racism.net/global/antiwef/, www.med-user.net/ekh

Let`s trade and keep DIY alive

BOXED IN new 8 song 7?

Crime Scene 000 ? Dumbstruck 7? ? SOLD OUT
Crime Scene 001 ? Dumbstruck lp ? SOLD OUT

From the Ashes of SAWN OFF comes this mob. Pissed off and then some. They seem to be happy with the term `Positive D-beat Outlook` or even `Youth Crust`. Well if you can be youth crust when you`re over 30. They lay down 8 songs, none of which clock in much over the 1 minute 30 second mark, giving us rallying calls against. Global Warming, terrorism and religion amongst other things. This lot have served their time in countless other bands overthe years and for those that care try the following for size.


That does`nt really matter though as this record does`nt need the ex-members thing. If you`ve seen them live on their recent European tour you`ll know that they have their own sound going on. Check out a download of `Real Friends Understand`
on the Flat Earth Website.

This is up for trades, please get in touch. Wholesale rates can be worked out. Drop me a line and let me know where you are in the world and we`ll work out a price.
UK - £2.50 ppd
Europe ? 4.5 Euro`s (I have no Euro key and I don`t know the going rate in euro`s. Help.)
U$A / WORLD - $6

This record was going to be distro`d through EMI and SONY and I was going to retire on the profits but then that would be lazy and I just could`nt find the right staff to do all my work. Actually I prefer dealing direct with other people as this is what punk means to me, direct contact with other people doing the same thing as me, making connections in other countries and making friendships based on trust, respect and a mutual understanding of DIY ethics. FUCK exclusives, they`re taking the community out of Hardcore punk and making bands and labels lazy, and killing off the DIY scene. When that
appens what is left? Business and little else.

Graham / Crime Scene
Box 13,
82 Colston Street,

"If we are to repress information that may lead to terrorist activity, at which point do we stop? What is the definition of a crime: knowing how to commit an illegal act or the undertaking itself? Does a greater inflow of information lead to increased intelligence and hence sensible reasonings, or is there a potential for purely nurturing evil genius? Where does freedom of information cease and Fahrenheit 451 begin?"



ein paar fitte freunde aus graz sind gerade dabei, dort einen infoladen aufzuziehen, hier eine erste darstellung:

im moment haben wir ein straßenlokal in der innenstadt von graz (jakoministraße 32, 8010),
dort sind wir befristet auf drei wochen. das ganze findet zur zeit im rahmen des kulturprojektes "kunst in graz" statt. danach wird es verhandlungen zwischen diesem kulturprojekt und den hausbesitzerInnen geben, welche uns noch mal 3 wochen verschaffen könnten. danach soll das haus niedergerissen werden und einer einfahrt weichen. wir haben aber schon für die zeit danach gesorgt und können dann einmal pro woche (vermutlich donnerstag) im "subrising" den infoladen öffnen. aber die sache mit dem straßenlokal ist noch nicht ausdiskutiert, weil uns die location anfangt zu gefallen. wir teilen uns das lokal im moment mit "endlich katzernersatz", das sind ein paar nette leute, die eine radioshow auf
helsinki machen (gleichnamig) und dort hörspiele von ihnen präsentieren.

im infoladen verchecken wir bücher, flyer und zeitschriften, wir haben schon einen ziemlich großen bestand.
außerdem haben wir eine kleine kochecke, die wir als vokü-stelle leuten anbieten, dh. wenn irgendwer meint er/sie wollen kochen, können sie das dort machen. bedingung ist nur, daß vegan gekocht wird.
außerdem gibt es eine leseecke, wo private bücher als leihgaben zum lesen liegen.
ab den 12. mai vermutlich starten dann einige leute mit kino-abenden, alle zwei wochen am sonntag, dort sollen dann politische dokumentarfilme und spielfilme gezeigt werden. die kino sache wird zwar von einzelpersonen organisiert, jedoch erfolgt dies ebenfalls im infoladen umfeld.

bald finden dann erste infoveranstaltungen statt:
samstag 4.5.: tierechtsvortrag der offensive für tierrechte (oft) mit den schwerpunkten "die österreichische tierrechtsbewegung" & "tierrechte/tierschutz - organisations- und aktionsformen".
freitag, 10.5.: palestina workshop zur geschichte und aktuellen lage.
die dritte veranstaltung wird mit der thematik sexismus zusammenhängen, diese veranstaltung wird noch vorbereitet.

im moment sind noch viele punkte unseres selbstverständisses unklar und werden auch laufend diskutiert. wir haben auch ein kleines logo für unseren infoladen gemacht, wir nennen ihn "bewegungsmelder". email und homepage kommen dann bald.
infoladen "bewegungsmelder", graz


Marco Camenisch
Viale die Tigli 14
13900 Biella

Ende Februar 2002

An die GenossInnen,
An die OEffentlichkeit,
An die Repressionsbehoerden.

Am 18. April 2002 ist meine Verurteilung in Italien zu 12 Jahren
Gefaengnis beendet und ich werde in die Schweiz ausgeliefert um mir
dort verschiedene Prozesse zu machen, die auch lebenslaenglich
vorsehende Anklagen (Zusatzstrafe) beinhalten.
Ich anerkenne die Legitimitaet der Herrschafts- und
Repressionsapparate nicht und schliesse folglich jegliche
Erklaerungen vor diesen Apparaten und ihren StellvertreterInnen
kategorisch aus, ausser eventuelle spontan oeffentlich/vor Gericht.
Ich fordere die Repressionsbehoerden auf meine Angehoerigen, vor
allem meine betagte Mutter und meinen Bruder, beide aus
gesundheitlichen Gruenden vernehmungsunfaehig, nicht nochmals Druck
und Zwang zu Falschaussagen zu noetigen, wie es kurz nach dem Tode
(dessen ich angeklagt werde) eines Grenzwaechters in Brusio 1989
geschehen ist.
Aus persoenlichen Gruenden des fortgeschrittenen Alters, einer
geschaedigten Gesundheit und von sozialen Verantwortungen und
Beduerfnissen ist die Wiederaufnahme klandestiner bewaffneter
Militanz im antiautoritaeren Kampf schon lange fuer mich weder
verantwortbar noch moeglich. Ich bekenne mich aber weiterhin
solidarisch zur Notwendigkeit, fuer einen radikalen antiautoritaeren
Kampf gegen die immer aggressivere und zerstoererische Herrschaft und
Ausbeutung (jetzt durch den technologischen Kapitalismus und seinen
totalen Krieg gegen die Individuen, Gesellschaften, Kulturen und die
Umwelt der Gemeinschaft Erde) und fuer eine ANDERE NOTWENDIGE WELT zu
stehen, die notwendigerweise aus antiautoritaeren und
gleichheitlichen Beziehungen besteht, zwischen den Individuen und
Gemeinschaften aller Dinge, aller nichtmenschlichen und menschlichen
Leben, welche insgesamt die Gemeinschaft Erde bilden.

Marco Camenisch

Mit Marco Camenisch, Freiheitsraeume erweitern!

Marco Camenisch (49) wurde 1980 in der Schweiz fuer Sabotage an
Stromanlagen zu 10 Jahren Knast verurteilt. Nach 2 Jahren gelang ihm
mit 5 weiteren Gefangenen die Flucht, wobei ein Waerter getoetet und
ein weiterer verletzt wurde. 1989 wurde Marco vom Staatsschutz und
den Medien fuer den Tod eines schweizerischen Grenzwaechter
verantwortlich erklaert. In Italien war Marco mit dortigen
anarchistischen GenossInnen u.a. gegen die Nuklearindustrie politisch
aktiv. 1991, nach einem Schusswechsel mit der italienischen Polizei,
wurde er verhaftet, wobei er an beiden Beinen und ein Polizist leicht
am Arm verletzt wurden. Wegen schwerer Koerperverletzung und Sabotage
wurde er zu 12 Jahren verurteilt. Danach wird er an die Schweiz
ausgeliefert werden. In permanenter Kleingruppenisolation ohne
Freiheit-, Sport- und nennenswerte Arbeitsmoeglichkeiten muessen er
und andere politische und soziale Hochsicherheitsgefangene sich 20
Stunden taeglich in ihren Zellen aufhalten. Seinen anarchistischen
Willen haben die Herrschenden nicht brechen koennen!

Seit dem 5. November 1991 widersteht Marco Camenisch dem
italienischen Knastsystem, indem er fuer seine Menschenwuerde kaempft
und keiner Autoritaet unterwuerfig ist.
Marco gehoert zur rebellischen Generation der 70iger Jahre. Hart
wurde er bestraft (und sitzt immer noch), weil er in der Schweiz
gegen eine kriminelle, nukleare Politik den Kampf aufgenommen hatte,
die u.a. fuer die Ausbeutung und Zerstoerung von Mensch,
Gesellschaft, Umwelt und Natur verantwortlich ist. In diesen langen
Jahren der Knastzeit hat sich Marco weiterhin mit der Aussenwelt
auseinandergesetzt. Er hat Analysen erarbeitet und nuetzliche
UEbersetzungen gemacht, um einen weitlaeufigen, oekosozialen Kampf
Mit Hungerstreiks und individuellen Protesten hat er immer weiter
gekaempft, damit die paar wenigen Rechte eines Gefangenen, die
jede ?Demokratie? verspricht, nicht ganz Makulatur werden.
Eingeschraenkte und verletzte Rechte, wo Knastbesuche durch Verwandte
verkompliziert und durch Bekannte schlicht verboten sollen, wo
notwendige aerztliche Versorgung ungenuegend ist oder verweigert
wird, keinerlei sogenannte ?Wiedereingliederungsmassnahmen?, dafuer
repressive und erniedrigende Schikanen auch gegenueber Verwandten
durch lange Wartezeiten bei Besuchen, unnoetig erniedrigende
Leibesdurchsuchungen und Zellenfilz, unrechtmaessig behinderter
Postverkehr, Verlegungen nach einer Vorankuendigung von einer halben
bis zu einer Stunde, immer wieder neue, in der Haftzeit angesiedelte,
beliebige und haltlose Ermittlungs- oder Gerichtsverfahren
wegen ?subversiver Vereinigung? oder aehnlichem gegen Gefangene und
den sich solidarisch verhaltenden Verwandten und Bekannten
Die uebliche, ?demokratische?, italienische Komoedie, die diejenigen
zu belohnen verspricht, welche durch Unterwerfung und Anpassung die
Regeln der dreckigen Gesellschaft akzeptieren und diejenigen
bestraft, die nicht bereit sind KomplizInnen zu werden, sowohl im
Knast wie auch draussen.
Durch 20 Jahre Unterdrueckung, Verweigerung der individuellen
Freiheit und der kollektiven Rechte, die durch die Revolten der
70iger Jahre erkaempft wurden, wird versucht radikalem Widerstand
jeglichen Sinn zu berauben. Die moderne, totalitaere ?Demokratie? von
heute toleriert nicht mehr kritisiert zu werden. Die ?neuen national-
progressiven Herrscher? haben, nachdem sie den Krieg auf de Balkan
losgetreten haben, sehr klar geantwortet: Neoliberalismus in der
OEkonomie, Ausbau der Repressionskraefte fuer diejenigen Menschen,
welche sich nicht der neuen Weltordnung unterordnen wollen.

Besonders heute ist es unerlaesslich sich mit den Gefangenen aus dem
Widerstand zu solidarisieren um deren unhaltbare Isolation und
Kriminalisierung zu durchbrechen!

Neu erschienen: Angehoerigen Info
von 12.4.2002 Nr. 258/259

In linker Buch- und Infolaeden erhaeltlich:
Angehoerigen Info von 12.4.2002 Nr. 258/259
Herausgegeben von Angehoerigen und Freundinnen
politischer Gefangener in der BRD
Einzelpreis: 1,55 Euro
Im Jahresabonnement: 29,90 Euro
Foerderabonnement: 33,20 Euro

Aus dem Inhalt
* Zum Tod von Dr. Klaus Croissant - Verteidiger von Gefangenen aus
RAF und
* Bundesweiter Aktionstag fuer die Freiheit der politischen
Gefangenen -
18.Maerz 2002
Beitrag von Libertad! Nuernberg & Bericht: Saarlouis und Saarbruecken
* Christian Geissler (k) . fluestern wir
Christian Klar gewidmet
* Eine weitere ueberfluessige Erfahrung mit buergerlichen Medien
Stellungnahme zu dem Artikel "Haerter als die RAF" im Tagesspiegel
* Terror in Flensburg ?!
UEber 40 Prozesse nach einem Spaziergang gegen Kapitalismus und
* Kurdischer Politiker nach § 129 zu 18 Monaten verurteilt
* Biblis: Verfahren wg. Spaziergang gegen AKW
* Konzert im Fluechtlingslager im Frankfurter Flughafen
Brothers Keepers / BANTU wollen am 8. Juni 02 spielen

* Verschnuert und verklebt
Nicht nur in OEsterreich werden abgeweisene Asylbewerber in den Tod

* Gabriele Kanze seit dem 14.Maerz inhaftiert
Vorwurf: Unterstuetzung des ETA-Kommandos Barcelona

* Zum EU-Gipfel in Barcelona 14.-16.Maerz 2002
* "Antiterrorismus" = Repression gegen politische und soziale
Bewegungen in

* Rauer Wind in Peru
Der Hungerstreik der politischen Gefangenen ist zu Ende.
Ob er erfolgreich war, ist mehr als ungewiss

* Politische Gefangene seit 11.Feb. im Hungerstreik

* Gewerkschafter in Barrancabermeja von Paramilitaers ermordet

* Ein Brief des Anwalt des "Angola 3"-Gefangenen Herman Wallace
* Al-Amin zu lebenslaenglich verurteilt
* Leonard Peltier
- Gericht lehnt Strafreduzierung ab
- Leonard klagt FBI an
* Nach zwoelf Jahren: Verfahren eroeffnet
Umweltaktivisten klagen FBI und Polizei an

* 365 + 161 Tage im Widerstandskampf - 89 Gefallene

Israel / Palaestina
* Aufruf der Roten Hilfe, Ortsgruppe Berlin
Freiheit fuer die politischen Gefangenen in Israel und Palaestina

Redaktionsanschrift und Bestellungen:
Neuer Kamp 25
20359 Hamburg
Tel: 040 431 888 20
Fax: 040 431 888 21
E-Mail: gnn-hhsh@hansenet.de


Polemik gegen die Anti-Deutschen-KommunistInnen

Innerhalb des breit gefaecherten Spektrums der Linken
in Deutschland gibt es eine Anti-Deutsche-Fraktion (ADF), die mitunter auch als
Anti-Deutsche-KommunistInnen auftritt.
Nun ist prinzipiell nichts gegen eine ?Anti-Deutsche"
Haltung einzuwenden, wenn diese sich z.B. gegen die
?doitsch-nationale Großmannssucht" a la Joseph Fischer
(dt. Außenminister; soll, so lautet das Geruecht,
Parteimitglied der GRUENEN sein), Gerhard Schroeder oder Edmund Stoiber wendet.
Auch ein Plaedoyer fuer die Abschaffung aller Staaten
und Staatsgrenzen ist durchaus nachvollziehbar; aber
was die Anti-Deutsche-Fraktion mitunter praesentiert,
geht gelegentlich nur knapp an Realsatire vorbei und ist schaedlich fuer die gesamte Linke.
Ich greife hier exemplarisch den
palaestinensisch-israelischen Konflikt heraus. Ja, wir
sitzen alle im wohlgenaehrten Mitteleuropa und es ist
bequem, mit vollen Baeuchen die KritikerInnen der
israelischen Politik, welch eine Vernichtung der
PalaestinenserInnen anstrebt; als AntisemitInnen zu
beschimpfen und in eine Reihe mit den Nazis zu stellen.
Die im abdominalen Bereich (vulgo: im Bauch) ihrer
Leiber vorherrschende UEberfuellung, kompensieren die
Damen und Herren der ADF durch entsprechende Leere in
oberen Koerperregionen, und damit meine ich nicht etwa
nur den Kopf, sondern auch und gerade das Herz!
Seit zwei, drei, bald vier Generationen, leben
PalaestinenserInnen in Lagern die jeder Beschreibung
spotten und die die VertreterInnen der ADF schreiend
an Muttis & Vatis Rockschoeße rennen lassen wuerde,
muessten sie dort auch nur wenige Tage leben. Kein Tag
vergeht, ohne daß Gewehrfeuer und Granateneinschlaege
zu hoeren sind. Der Tod ist allgegenwaertig. Es
herrschen Hunger, Krankheit und Wasserknappheit.
Aber all das ficht die ADF nicht an. Wer diese
menschenunwuerdigen Zustaende, verursacht von Israel,
anprangert, der wird sofort und vehement des
Antisemitismus beschuldigt.

Dieser Vorwurf faellt auf die ADF zurueck und zwar aus zwei zentralen Gruenden.
Erstens muessen sie sich vorhalten lassen zu
verschweigen, daß auch die PalaestinenserInnen Semiten
sind. Das heißt es ist schlicht intellektueller Unsinn
jenen, die auf das Leid dieser Menschen hinweisen
ANTI-Semitismus vorzuwerfen, bzw. zu unterstellen.
Und zweitens liegt der Verdacht nahe, daß zumindest
einige der ADF selbst ein ?antisemitisches Problem"
mit sich herumtragen, denn schon Freud (der Begruender
der Psychoanalyse) moechte auf die ?Projektion"
aufmerksam; einen Abwehrmechanismus unter welchem wir
uns einen Vorgang vorzustellen haben, bei dem einem
anderem Menschen EIGENE Fehler (oder Wuensche) zugeschrieben werden.

Selbstverstaendlich kann, darf, ja muß die Politik der
PalaestinenserInnen im Rahmen ihrer Intifada und
Selbstmordattentaten kritisch hinterfragt werden. Das
aendert aber nichts daran, daß es in Israel Stroemungen
gibt (und Sharon ist einer deren Vertreter) die auf
eine Vernichtung der PalaestinenserInnen abzielen und darauf hinarbeiten!
Dies zu kritisieren und anzuprangern ist nicht nur das
Recht eines (einer jeden Linken, sondern auch Pflicht!
Fuer die Befreiung der PalaestinenserInnen vom Joch der Unterdrueckung!
Gegen eine Ausrottungspolitik a la Sharon!
Fuer eine friedliche Koexistenz von Israelis und PalaestinenserInnen!
Thomas Meyer-Falk, z.Zt. JVA-Z.3117, Schoenbornstraße 32, D-76646
Bruchsal, Germany

Protest the Nomination of George W.Bush and Tony Blair for Nobel
Peace Prize

They say that satire died when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but if a Right-wing Norwegian MP has his way, the Nobel committee will be spitting on its grave.
Harald Tom Nesvik, a member of the Norwegian Parliament from the Right-wing Party of Progress, has nominated U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair and
U.S.President George W. Bush for the Nobel Peace Prize for "decisive action against terrorism, something I believe in the future will be the greatest threat to peace." According to the provisions of Nobel, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Tony Blair has ordered more military actions than any U.K. leader since World War II, with at least one military action every year since 1998. George W. Bush has urged budgets massively increasing the size and funding of the U.S. standing military, continued and deepened U.S. military aid for the on-going civil war in Colombia and Israeli military occupation of Palestine, and initiated a war not only against Afghanistan, but an undefined, open-ended "War on Terrorism" which administration officials daily threaten to expand to other nations such Iran, North Korea, and Iraq. Vice President Dick Cheney told the Washington Post that the campaign of warfare the President has
launched "may never end. At least, not in our lifetimes." Both Bush and Blair have refused to work with multilateral consultation and diplomacy through peace congresses, with Bush's refusal to secure UN Security Council approval before initiating the war in Afghanistan, and Blair's refusal to place the British troops occupying Sierra Leone under the command of United Nations Peacekeeping forces.
Urge the Nobel Institute to reject the nomination of Tony Blair and George W. Bush. Reckless and ever-expanding pursuit of war is not peace, and awarding the Peace Prize for massive world-wide military campaigns would be a slap in the face of peace and justice activists world wide.
For more Bush and Blair's nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, see:

To take action, go to:

DESPERATE CRY suchen noch feine labels!!!

die österreichische band DESPERATE CRY nimmt gerade ein full-length-cd auf. sie wollen die cd dann gern als multi-d.i.y.-release
veröffentlichen und suchen dafür noch labels, die sich beteiligen.
DESPERATE CRY spielen treibend-fetten, emotionellen hardcore mit
noise-elementen, sehr heavy und sehr intensiv. sie existieren seit über
8 jahren, haben seither konzerte in österreich und europa gespielt und
haben bis jetzt 2 7" und eine split-7" mit BBS PARANOICOS
veröffentlicht. - außerdem sinds gute, nette leute:)!

die labels, die sich bis jetzt beteiligen sind:

- BLOODSHED666 (das sind wir selber; http://www.bloodshed666.com )
- INTERSTELLAR RECORDS (auch aus österreich;
http://www.interestellarrecords.at )
- GATE TO HELL (aus deutschland, vor allem als tourbooker aktiv, machen
auch ein kleines label)

der deal wäre so, daß desperate cry die produktion der cd übernehmen,
für jedes label kostet eine cd dann denn anteiligen produktionspreis +
die anteiligen studiokosten der band. wird dann wohl so ca. 3,- euro pro
cd ausmachen. 10% der cds sollten als promos verschickt werden. das
ganze soll übrigens eine digi-pack-cd werden, und wie wir die jungs
kennen werden sie die auch sehr stilvoll gestalten. es sollen 1000 cds
produziert werden.

wäre super, wenn da noch ein paar coole leute mitmachen würden.

wenn ihr sonst noch wem kennt, die/der sich dafür interessieren könnte,
wäre es sehr nett wenn ihr weiterhelfen würdet (auch wenn ihr selber
vielleicht nicht wollt/könnt).

url der band: http://www.desperado.at


Demo zwischen Polizisten fordert 17 Verletzte
Madrid - Bei Zusammenstössen zwischen spanischen Polizisten und demonstrierenden Kollegen sind in Madrid
17 Beamte verletzt worden.
Rund 2000 Angehörige der Stadtpolizei hatten vor dem Rathaus der spanischen Hauptstadt dagegen protestiert,
dass sie künftig mehr Nachtdienste leisten sollen. Dabei blockierten die
demonstrierenden Beamten eine Strasseim Herzen der Stadt.
Ihre Kollegen von der Nationalen Polizei erhielten daraufhin den Befehl, die nicht genehmigte Kundgebung mit dem Einsatz
von Schlagstöcken aufzulösen. Dies führte zu Prügeleien, die über eine Stunde anhielten.
Abgeordnete der Linksparteien versuchten vergeblich, die Gemüter zu beruhigen. «Diese Zwischenfälle hätten sich nie
ereignen dürfen», meinte Madrids konservativer Bürgermeister José María Lvarez del Ma
tja, weiter so!!!


Gemeinsamer Aufruf von Libertad! und Rote Hilfe zum bundesweiten
Aktionstag 18. Maerz 2002
Solidaritaet und Widerstand gegen staatliche Repression,
Sicherheitsgesetze und Abschiebungen!
Freiheit fuer alle politischen Gefangenen!

Die Solidaritaet mit den politischen Gefangenen hat nichts von ihrer
Dringlichkeit verloren. Überall auf der Welt sind Frauen und Maenner
aus sozialen und revolutionaeren Bewegungen mit staatlicher
Verfolgung und Gefaengnis, manchmal auch mit dem Tod konfrontiert,
wie es das seit mittlerweile 16 Monaten andauernde Todesfasten der
tuerkischen politischen Gefangenen gegen Isolationsfolter zeigt.
"Krieg gegen den Terrorismus" als Weltinnenpolitik.
Der 11. September und der seitdem gestartete "Krieg gegen den
Terrorismus" haben weltweit die Bedingungen fuer emanzipatorische
Politik neu gesetzt, in jedem Land, auf jedem Kontinent, in jeder
gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung. So wurden in Deutschland wie
auch in den uebrigen EU-Staaten eine Vielzahl von Gesetzen
verabschiedet, mit denen hemmungslos die Repressionsorgane ausgebaut
und ihre Zusammenarbeit intensiviert werden. Die dabei am meisten
erfasste und von rassistisch motivierter Repression betroffene
Bevoelkerungsgruppe sind Fluechtlinge, Migrantinnen und Migranten.
In den USA wurden nach dem 11. September politische Gefangene in
Isolationshaft verlegt und unter Kontaktsperre gestellt.
Aufgrund von Protesten mussten diese Massnahmen wieder rueckgaengig
gemacht werden. In der Tuerkei stuermten am 5. November 3000
Polizisten mit Panzern und Bulldozern Haeuser in dem Istanbuler
Stadtviertel Kueçuek Armutlu, wo sich Angehoerige und vorlaeufig
entlassene Gefangene ebenfalls in einem Todesfasten gegen Isolation
befanden. Bei dieser Operation wurden sechs Menschen ermordet. In
Spanien wurde die baskische Gefangenenhilfsorganisation Gestoras pro-
Amnistia, die seit 20 Jahren den Schutz der baskischen politischen
Gefangenen organisiert, verboten und 12 ihrer Mitglieder verhaftet.
Das sind nur ein paar Beispiele dafuer, wie im Fahrwasser
des "Krieges gegen den Terrorismus" politische Gefangene und die
Solidaritaet mit ihnen angegriffen werden.
Aber auch schon vor dem 11. September hat das letzte Jahr deutlich
gemacht, dass die Proteste und Demonstrationen gegen die globale
Ausbeutung und Unterdrueckung zunehmend mit Ausreiseverboten,
brutalen Polizeieinsaetzen, Massenfestnahmen und hohen Haftstrafen
konfrontiert sind. Militante Demonstrantinnen und Demonstranten
werden als "linke Hooligans" und "Verbrecher" denunziert. Das zielt
auf Abschreckung aller, die gegen die kapitalistische Zurichtung der
Welt auf die Strasse gehen. Ihr Widerstand soll entpolitisiert und
kriminalisiert werden. Trauriger Hoehepunkt dieser Repression in
Europa war im letzten Jahr die Ermordung von Carlo Giuliani in Genua durch italienische Polizisten.
Wessen Welt ist die Welt?
G8, IWF oder Deutsche Bank sind genauso wie NATO, Bundeswehr oder US-
Army direkt verantwortlich fuer eine Politik, die in ihrer Konsequenz
immer mehr Menschen eine katastrophale Lebensperspektive aufzwingt.
Die Mehrheit der Menschen steht im Abseits und ist unter Umstaenden
zum Abschuss freigegeben. Das ist weder Schicksal noch naturbedingt.
Niemand muesste heute noch verhungern, an heilbaren Krankheiten
sterben, auf der Strasse leben, im Muell hausen: Die Menschheit
koennte in dieser Welt sehr viel bewegen; sie besser und gerechter
machen. Und das ist keine banale, abgeschmackte Utopie. Die
Ressourcen, die technischen Moeglichkeiten, die sozialen Erfahrungen
und das historische Wissen sind sehr wohl dafuer vorhanden. Genau in
diesem zentralen Widerspruch bewegen sich international alle Auseinandersetzungen.
Es geht um die Frage der Verfuegungsgewalt ueber das eigene wie das
gesellschaftliche Leben. Von Genua bis Gaza, von Tuerkei/Kurdistan
bis Buenos Aires: Dass sich immer wieder Menschen gegen die
herrschenden Verhaeltnisse in Bewegung setzen, so unterschiedlich und
widerspruechlich sich das auch ausdrueckt, ist vor allem, weil sie es
nicht mehr aushalten. Den Zwang dieser Verhaeltnisse, rassistische
Diskriminierungen und soziale Ausgrenzung, die Verlogenheit und
Doppelmoral der offiziellen Politik wie auch im gesellschaftlichen
Leben. Und es sind oft sehr unmittelbare Beduerfnisse, die das Feuer
der Rebellion und des Widerstands entfachen. Beduerfnisse nach
Gerechtigkeit und Selbstbestimmung; die eigene Wuerde zu erobern
gegen unmenschliche gesellschaftliche Verhaeltnisse. Keine noch so
gut formulierte Rhetorik von Liberalisierung und Privatisierung kann
das zudecken. Und der auf Neuordnung der Verhaeltnisse und
Kaltstellen jeder fundamentalen Opposition zielende globale
Kriegszustand wird die Stimme der Unterdrueckten nicht zum Schweigen bringen.
Gegen das Vergessen!
Trotz unterschiedlicher Realitaeten in der Welt, die objektive
Entwicklung macht es heute mehr denn je moeglich, die Revolten und
Widerstaende zu vernetzen und die Solidaritaet mit den politischen
Gefangenen international zu staerken. Dabei gilt auch:
Die Erfahrungen gesellschaftlicher Kaempfe der Vergangenheit sind nicht tot.
Wo immer Menschen das Leben wagen, lebt auch die Erinnerung an sie.
Gestern, Heute, Morgen.
So ist das Datum des bundesweiten Aktionstages nicht willkuerlich gewaehlt.
Der 18. Maerz steht fuer die Barrikadenkaempfe der aufstaendigen
Massen in Berlin 1848 gegen den Feudalismus und die preussische
Armee. Er steht weiterhin fuer den Beginn der Pariser Kommune 1871,
der ersten Raeterepublik der Welt, und er war schon in den zwanziger
Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts ein Aktionstag der internationalen
Roten Hilfe fuer die Solidaritaet mit den politischen Gefangenen.
Bewusst an diese Traditionen der europaeischen Klassenkaempfe
anknuepfend, rufen Libertad! und Rote Hilfe zum siebten bundesweiten
Aktionstag auf. Schutz und Solidaritaet fuer politische Gefangene und
von staatlicher Repression Betroffene wird es nur dort geben, wo sie
selbst organisiert und erkaempft werden. Dafuer steht der 18. Maerz:
Diejenigen nicht zu vergessen,
die aus den weltweiten Widerstandsprozessen gerissen wurden. Auch
dann nicht, wenn wir sie nicht persoenlich kennen. Es ist ein
politisches Verhaeltnis. Wofuer in Kurdistan, Argentinien oder in den
USA gekaempft wird, sollte auch hier gekaempft werden.
Und was dort verloren wird, wird in letzter Konsequenz auch hier verloren.
Vergessen wir nicht, dass es auch in deutschen Gefaengnissen nach wie
vor eine ganze Reihe von politischen Gefangenen gibt. Beispielsweise
aus RAF und anderen militanten Gruppen, ehemalige DDR-Funktionaere,
tuerkische und kurdische Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten,
Totalverweigerer, Fluechtlinge in Abschiebehaft. Ihnen allen gehoert unsere Solidaritaet.
Beteiligt euch mit eigenen Aktivitaeten am diesjaehrigen 18. Maerz!
Macht mit bei den verschiedenen Veranstaltungen und Aktionen vor Ort!
Organisiert an und um diesen Tag herum OEffentlichkeits- und
Protestaktionen in Solidaritaet mit den politischen Gefangenen.
Gegen staatliche Unterdrueckung, die neuen Sicherheitsgesetze und Abschiebungen!
Frankfurt und Goettingen, den 01.02.2002
Rote Hilfe

Write directly to George W. Bush or Osama Bin Laden

via deadzibel.com
tell them your expectations of the forthcoming future!

see this!





ich wollte euch nur schnell mitteilen, dass wir mit unserem label unserer linie "treu" bleiben und deshalb
wird es in den nächsten wochen eine neue Bloodshed666 veröffentlichung geben.


JASON (great up-tempo hc from brazil)
RADIKALKUR (crusty hardcorepunk from austria)

ich glaube, dass die veröffentlichung ziemlich fett werden sollte und sollte wer von euch lust haben, sich zu
beteiligen, dann bitte meldet euch raschest bei mir. momentan beteiligen sich ua.
MATULA REC. (d), BLOODSHED666 (a), crusty/christo (a), und paar labels/leute andere kleinere labels


[riotgrrrleurope] ladybomb comp tape 001 is out now!

hello. the ladybomb revolution comp tape 001 is out now. it features 17 lady
fronted bands all around the world.
what they all have in common, is that they rock hard and make good music
(with attitude). the tape comes along with a beautiful booklet with features
on the bands.
the the costs just $5 or 5 euro (ppd). if you wish to buy more of these
comps, to distro them, to sell them to your friends or just to give them to
your friends, hey, thats cool! email me and we'll arrange something.
the set list:
1. Delta Dart: Punkrock-icity
2. Goofball: Lonely
3. Räuberhöhle: Riots No Diets
4. Lack of Reason: Defined
5. Die Bitch: Eternal Stitches
6. AlienShe: Perfect
7. Lady!Die: Better Grow Up than Throw Up
8. Dada Stunt Girl: Revolution Rock
9. Lucid Nation: Bleed
1. Gazoonga Attack: Cinderella
2. BarBitch: Measure Up
3. The O.G. Panty Complex: Why Ask Why
4. Piedelay: Crazy Cows
5. Dyke Hard: B.O. Babe
6. Low-End Models: Valentinstag
7. Fuck Finger: Nolja Obznaka
8. Ethel Scull: sheshowhollow


bi-monthly anarchist courier with informations of different political cultural
anarchist/autonomous activisties in Eastern Europe
inaugural #1 /Dezember 2001

everybody who is interessted in this awesome newsletter get in contact with:
for austria riottapes@hotmail.com
rest abolishingBB@hotmail.com

Tierrechtsampler-Beiträge gesucht!!!
joseph@conancity.com hat hat bereits zusagen für songs von
Kafka, Analena, BigD, ButAlive etc. und wer noch mag, soll sich halt melden.

Jauchzet und Frohlocket!!

RENFIELD No. 8 hat das Licht der Welt erblickt. Mit dabei sind die FUN PEOPLE (aus Argentinien), Tempo Zero (aus Italien), die Inner Terrestrials (Skapunk aus GB) und die Mad Caddies. Aber das meine Schätzchen ist nicht alles. Desweiteren gibt´s noch Knabberartikel, Punkrockführerscheintests, Amokläufe wegen Telefonrechnungen und
-zig interessante Sachen mehr.
RENFIELD No.9 kostet 3,50 dm + porto bzw. ist in geringer stückzahl auch hier über'n mailorder um 25 ös + porto erhältlich!!!


Announcing the beginning of
“In the Spirit of Emma”
an anarchist publishing project, from Active Distribution.

already available:
The Abolition of Work
by Bob Black - 50p
Anarchism; What it Really Stands For
and A New Declaration of Independence

by Emma Goldman - 60p
Methods of Organisation for Collectives
and a Situationist critique.
- 70p
Fascism and Anti-Fascism
by Jean Barrot - £1
The Individual, Society and the State
by Emma Goldman - 50p
Notes on Anarchism
by Noam Chomsky - 50p
Scum Manifesto
by Valerie Solanas - 50p

all of these are available mailorder and wholesale
from Active Distribution.
BM Active, London, WC1N 3XX, U.K.



Salud alle....
Ich will euch nur mitteilen, dass ABC Luxembourg ab heute seine
Dienste einstellt... dies hat mehrere Gruende, die hier nicht
unbedingt ausgefuerht werden muessen....
Ich moechte mich im Namen von ABC und vor allem all den Gefangenen,
die wir unterstuetzt haben bei euch allen herzlichst bedanken fuer
eure Unterstuetzung und Interesse... Danke!
Mit den besten anarchistischen Gruessen
ABC Luxembourg
PS: Wir zischen ab...
PPS: Der E-Mail Verteiler wird womoeglich noch weiterhin existieren,
wenn sich wer findet, der Interesse an einer Uebernahme hat... lasst
euch einfach mal ueberraschen... es kann allerdings 1-3 Wochen dauern
bis eine neue Gruppe alles uebernommen hat...


New Homepage from E.K.H. is online...and still under construction!!

come in the house


und mit dabei sind
amen 81 (D), paragraf 119 (dk), voll auf zero (d), unabomber (d), dead kennedys (usa), kobayashi (d), dellwo (d), chispas (d), burning kitchen (se), cementerio show (esp), mr. burns (d), turbostaat (d), ea 80 (d), petrograd (lux), fun people (arg), subcutan (d), anger of bacterias (d), deadzibel (a), operation (se), kindle (d), muff potter (d), pankzerkroiza polpotkin (d), strahler 80 (a), suburban scumbags (d), heimatglück (d), guddommelig galskap (dk), skalar (dk), hale bopp (d), bambix (d), machine gun etiquette (sco), bad taste (esp) und anarchophobia (a).
die cd ist in einem textheft im 16,5 x 16,5cm format. 18 seiten infotext in spanisch, dänisch, englisch und deutsch.
die cd hat eine spielzeit von 79 minuten.
wer also interesse hat kann sich melden!
- Vertrieb für akustische Randale -
hafermarkt 6 / heinrichstr.8
24943 flensburg

e-mail: alerta_antifascista@turbostaat.de

würde mich freuen von euch zu hören!!!

p.s. das ding gibt's, auch für weiterverkäferinnen, über sacro... kostet für durchschnittskonsumentinnen 140 ösen das stück.

Dreamstate Collective

is organizing punk hard core shows in belgrade,
serbia. the shows can be organized in winter, spring
and autumn period. vegeterian or vegan food is
provided as well as lodging at our places. everyone is
welcome, but we prefer fast, political punk hard core
bands. mostly likely you we'll need visa (contact us
before so that we can arrange that) and it would be
good if you would be already on your european tour
playing in hungary or croatia. we can cover your
travel expenses and offer you good time in belgrade.
blitz babiez from australia and intensity from sweden
played here, and those were really good shows.

contact: aleksandar momcilovic, save kovacevica 61,
beograd 11000, yugoslavia, dreamstate99@yahoo.com

Hello everyone!
It's been some time, but finally here's some news from us; good ones, I'd say.
I know it's taking Ryan and me FOREVER to put this together, but I assure you none of it is due to laziness or giving up on this project. Ryan is FINALLY flying over to Rome on August 23rd!! We'll work here for the next 6 days following that date and select what photos will make it into the book, work on the layout and all the technical details.
One thing seems definite. There's not going to be 1 photobook, but two. As I have mentioned in my previous update, the resons for this are many and I w
on't go in the detail again, but however there will be two books: one for the 80's HC/Punk (1980-1999) and the other for the 90's HC/Punk (1990-1999).
For technical reasons, the first book to hit the streets will most probably be the 90's one (hell, who has the money to release two books at the same time?). This is because we're quite content with what we've got so far regarding the 90's, and to give a little more time to those photographers who were slacking on us to send in their material, as well as to hopefully trace a few others (80's ones). This also means that the photographers who supplied the 90's photos to us will be the first to get their stuff back (and I APOLOGIZE once again for us taking THIS LONG to bring this project to the final stages) although all the others should have their stuff back as well just a few months after that (maybe even lesser). So, please, whoever e-mailed us about the state of their photos, please be ensured they're kept safely and please be patient just a LITTLE more. We're not slacking on you nor on this, so no fear.
What else? As I have mentioned, the book will contain some written contributions from people involved int he world's Punk/HC scene. As I write this, some of them are writing their pieces and some are to be contacted. In regards of this, two questions:
1) Does anyone know how to trace HR of Bad Brains, Chi Pig of SNFU or Springa of SSD?
2) Does anyone have a suggestion WHO we should ask to give a written contribution from Asia, Australia, Africa and South America? We have a steady list of people from Europe and North America, but we're almost clueless as far as those other continents go.
Well, this is more or less everything for this time.
If anyone reading this has promised the photos, this is the LAST CHANCE to mail them. Once the selection is done, we'll hardly be able to add any more photos to the book. If you want to be a part of this, great. If not, it's probably your loss.
Regarding this, if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at: hamsters@tin.it or this_sideup@hotmail.com
or both. It might take me a few days to respond as I'm travelling. I'll be in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland for the next 3 weeks, so anyone out there if you'd like to meet up or just suggest a cheap veggie restaraunt or a cool hangout, please feel encouraged to drop me a line.
That's all.
love, happiness and a great summer to everyone! adam


GOODWILL Records web site, tons of informations, pics and a huge catalog of HC/Punk stuff:

. . . s t i l l r u n n i n g . . .

p l e a s e f o r w a r d . . .