The following article was first published in TATblatt Spezial (No. +215).
Bumpy translation by sezuan.com.
How it all began and where it lead to.
"We've squatted a house!" - these were the words on a leaflet dedicated to the squatting of the so-called "Wielandschule", a building that had been built in the 1920s be Czech workers and was later owned by the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ). Whereas the owner at that time hardly used the building, a couple of activists decided to test several announcements by the KPÖ to reform the party and at the same time establish new leftist network. The house should no longer lie idle but should become a field for experiments in terms of living together as well as working politically together - in other words, a house that was supposed to become a new centre of autonomous, anti-fascist work.
by M. Novak
To start with, this text doesn't intend to analyse to what extent the squatters' claims 14 years ago could be fulfilled and which couldn't. This text is much more about the constant conflict between the inhabitants and the users of the building on one hand, and the KPÖ on the other; a conflict that had its peak in the abrupt sale of the EKH by the party leadership around Walter Baier.
The house was named after Ernst Kirchweger, an activist who was killed by a right-extremist during protests against the Taras Borodajkewycz, a former member of the NSDAP and at that time professor for history at the University of Vienna, in 1965. Since June 23, 1990 - the day the Wielandschule was squatted - the centre has been basis for many local political initiative, like Que(e)rbeisl (weekly discussion forum), TATblatt (newspaper), Deserteursberatung (anti-militaristic NGO), Infoladen X (infoshop), Volxtheater (theatre-group), Volxbibliothek (library), the archive of social movements, Kinoki (film-group), Ladyfest (feminist festival) just to mention a few. And last but not least one also has to mention the habitation-area, especially that of the refugee-organisation Flughafensozialdienst ("airport-social-service").
"Burglars!" - The first days and the beginning of a "nice" basis for negotiation
Since the beginning the relationship between both sides was characterised by insanity of the KPÖ. For instance, Waltraud Stiefsohn and Michael Grabner, two members of the party, addressed leaflets to the neighbourhood in which they spoke of burglary and called on citizens to forward all complaints related to the occupation of the building to the authorities. Moreover, the authors accused squatters of having "injured people" during the squatting of further floors as a reaction to an alternative offer by the KPÖ. The activists revealed these offers in a leaflet shortly thereafter: a centre for migrants in the 18th district (200m2) and a "opportunity to reside" (80m2) - the Wielandschule actually offers ten times more space. In the leaflet the activists also mentions several threats by the KPÖ to deploy their "Arbeiterkampftruppe" ("workers-fighting-force"). A special issue of TATblatt (-65A, 10/90) talks of 200 workers that had arrived from all over the country and who could only be calmed after the "watchword of the end of the squat" - a provisional avowal in which the squatters declared the "interruption" of their squatting activities and therefore the KPÖ assured not to evict the building during summer. A letter to the editor in the communist newspaper Volksstimme quite clearly demonstrates the information-politics of the party-leadership at that time: "According to the opinion of Volksstimme Punks and Autonome (people of autonomous scene) obviously can't sit, they linger. And Turks and Kurds obviously don't cook in the Volksküche ("people's kitchen"), they operate.
In case of problems: authority
The years passed by and for some inhabitants tenancy agreements could be established - some of them "precarious", others on a regular basis. In this way the squatters had become residents and regular users of the house. When later on the Romano Centro decided to move out of the first floor, a couple of groups announced their interest to share the storey in order to create badly needed infrastructure. Although the KPÖ had already signed a provisional contract with the Jugoslawischer Dachverband ("Yugoslavian umbrella association") about the use of the space, the party - already under the current leader Walter Baier - started mock-negotiations with the groups. Since the communists declared that the maximum concession would be a joint use of hall for plenar, the inhabitants of the EKH decided to squat the first floor on May 21, 1997. Despite solidarity-declarations of more than 50 groups and initiatives, the answer of the KPÖ came only eight days later in form of an eviction by police-forces and a couple of party-representatives. Besides, two Roma-families that were still living in the first floor were simply locked out and the KPÖ refused to grant them access to their belongings for days: "We don't have any obligation towards the Roma".
The beginning of the end
In November 2003 rumours according to which KPÖ-leader plans to sell the EKH proved to be right. The disposal itself was announced - to most members of the communist party as well as to the residents of the EKH - a couple of months later via the Online-issue of the Vienna-based, left-liberal newspaper "Der Standard". By end of October the new owner had cancelled all precarious tenancy agreements, only a couple of days later also the regular ones were dismissed by December 31st. In his letters to the residents the owner furthermore demanded to disclaim any legal resistance or public campaign.
Only on October 20, 2004 Walter Baier, chairman of the communist party, had assured in an interview with "Der Standard", that the residents were allowed to stay in the building for at least another half year and that the KPÖ would support the inhabitants and initiatives to find new accommodations. It's not clear if that these claims were deliberate lies or if Baier was just not able to insert these directives into the sale-contract - however, both allegations were everything but fulfilled.
One of the main accusations that has repeatedly been brought up by the KPÖ is that of unpaid operating costs. Even Kurt Wendt - who got known to a wider public as exponent of the movement against the far-right government-coalition between ÖVP and FPÖ in 2000, a member of the KPÖ who is nevertheless critical of the sale - had to be alluded to the fact, that any possible operating costs taken over by the party can only originate from organisations that moved into the building after pressure by the KPÖ (see section "In case of problems: authority"). Needless to say that these allegations were never backed by any receipts whatsoever. Therefore, representatives of the KPÖ claimed that also penalties related to building regulations were paid by the party - what they didn't mention was of course that to a considerable extend these penalties derived from a time, when the communists were using the building more or less alone.
The initiation of a task-force whose agenda was to find alternative solutions to a sale - with representatives from both sides involved - is another myth often expressed by the KPÖ. However, in the same breath the party-leadership was talking about a "refusal to negotiate" by EKH-residents. In fact it was revealed that such a group had effectively existed, if only within the KPÖ. The relevance of this task-force becomes apparent when you consider that its members were informed about the sale via the media.
Look who's buying
Something that has not been mentioned yet - however it may even be the most interesting aspect - is some information on the new owner. Despite denials by the party-leadership, a right-extremist background of the new owner was revealed shortly after the sale was made public: the buyer of the building, Christian Machowetz, seems to have paid membership-fees to the "Aktion Neue Rechte" ANR ("Action New Right") in the 70s, an organisation that was later prohibited and whose members - with infamous the Gottfried Küssel among them - later became proponents of the neo-nazi-organisation VAPO ("Volkstreue Ausserparlamentarische Opposition"). Even when these facts were discovered the party continued to disclaim them and the party's public-relations-representant, Dieter Zach, even began to defend Machowetz by all means. Zach even accused those who had uncovered details of this case to have gained parts of their information from confidential police-files. Actually Zach should have known better: Machowetz's name was even mentioned on a support-declaration in favour of ANR which was published by the "Socialist Youth Vienna" (social-democratic youth-organisation) in 1977 - including Machowetz's full address where today his brother is living. Besides, the new owner also runs a security-company together with Walter Jaromin. Jaromin was not only remanded after the scandal of illegal forwarding of police-data a couple of years ago; he is also known for boasting his close friendship with Skorzeny, who had freed Mussolini from his prison back in 1943.
The moral of the story
To sum it up: they really did it, the sold the EKH - despite the fact that it was sold to a buyer with right-extremist background, despite all lies and despite all those helpless sweeping blows. Actually, the sale could as well be seen in front of the background of internal fighting between an authoritarian party-leadership on one hand, and a revolting basis on the other - however, that approach doesn't help anybody involved in the project EKH. Without judging which of the two alternatives within the KPÖ would be more desirable one has to say, that since the squatting there have always existed persons within the party who did not only solidarise with the EKH, but who also expressed this solidarity. On the one hand, however it also has to be considered that in some cases the expression of solidarity might have been rather a matter of party-internal strategy than one of an interest in the cause - which on the other hand of course doesn't mean, that solidarity expressed by exponents of the KPÖ shall be principally condemned as untrustworthy.
It's actually not about romanticising the project EKH - how much infrastructure will be lost will only become apparent when this house wont exist any more in this form. Those who have realised it are fighting for the persistence, even if this fight might looks less prospecting. The protests on November 12 with more than 1.000 participants, actions around the KPÖ-owned cafe "7*" and last but not least the squatting of the party headquarters should have made the it clear to the leaders what they have done.
waydiscripton to DOISLAU from Vienna!!!
On Fr 31.10.03 + Sa 1.11.03
we make a little d.i.y. Festival in E.K.H. Vienna.
EKKAIA (esp)
RAY KEY (aut)
CRÜMPL (aut)
E.K.H. is "closed" over the Summer.
Next gig will be at 30. August with
See ya there...
new band from Austria.
They plays melodic Hardcore with aggressive female vocal. She sings in spain
In the vein of Detestation and Intensity.
LECSA PUNK is from Budapest
and they play fast, angry Hardcore/Punk.
Witam! Hallo! |
http://www.thirddegree.hard-core.pl/ |
BOOM BOOM KID, ein seitenprojekt der uuuuuunglaublichen
FUN PEOPLE (plastic bomb mag sie sehr,
maximum rock'n'roll ist dauerhaft entzückt und meine mama liebt sie!)
aus buenos aires, werden
im herbst für kurze zeit gemeinsam mit den spanischen ZINC (nachgesagt
wird ihnen so ziemliches,
musikalisch jedoch auf alle fälle folgendes -life but how to live it,
the gits, tilt, poison idea...)
durch europa touren... des weiteren wird's von den BOOM BOOM KIDs auf UGLY
einen 12" picture disc longplayer mit all ihren knüllern geben (so
ab ende juli). die platte hat keinen
fetten vertrieb und keine fette promotion, alles punk und dumm, aber so ist's
halt schöner.
bitte verbreitets all die infos in euren zines, sites usw. weiter, wir haben
die unterstützung gut nötig
und außerdem sind die bands wirklich so geil, daß ihr euch alle
in den arsch beißen sollt, wenn ihr sie verpasst!
read some reviews from maximun rock n roll:okey estos reviews
aparecieron en el numero 221 del MRR de octubre del 2001:
BOOM BOOM KID "abrazame/ido" cd ep.
This is apparently the other band of the guy from FUN PEOPLE.this is
actually really good.It's dark and well thought out and pulled off really
well. Lyrics in spanish as well as english giving it a spainglish feel.This
is an emotional roller caster and for having only two song here that's
saying a lot. do your self a favor and pick this up. this is incredible.
What a perplexing,interesting cd. back when i was reading "rational
inquirer" this band was constantly hyped for their unique sound and
diversity.I figured it wa band with such original sounds like this that were
able to evoke what i'm feeling now.It sounds corny, but i wish i knew how
write about this music as well as they can play it . lots of intense and
unexpected tempo changes and superb, expresive vocals. they change styles
frequently on this disc that it's impossible to get bored.
tour: ripoffstandards@med-user.net
distribution: ugly europe ripoffstandards@med-user.net
get boom boom kid c-60 tape: riottapes@hotmail.com
boom boom kid / fun people bbkidz@interorganic.com.ar
, www.bbkidz.fwd.com.ar
zinc: borguia@yahoo.es
Ein Hammerkonzert erwartet
uns am 4.7.2002
(usa) und RIISTETYT
(fin) kommen 2 Bands die Anfang der 80er Jahre angefangen haben Punk-Hardcore
zu spielen. RIISTETYT kommen sowieso zum ersten mal nach Wien, MDC waren des
öfteren schon hier.
Mit dabei sind MOLOTOV COCKTAIL (usa).
Das ganze findet im E.K.H.
in Wien statt.
!!!New Homepage from the House is online...and still under construction!!!
Hallo, wie ihr alle sicherlich wisst
sitzen einige Demonstranten/innen, die auf der Anti-G8-Demo in Genua waren,
aufgrund von sehr fragwürdigen Beweisen und Tatvorwürfen immernoch
in Italien im Knast. Mir ist zu Ohren gekommen, daß sich einige der
Gefangenen davon HC-Kassetten wünschen, um sich die Zeit des eingesperrt-seins
ein wenig angenehmer zu gestalten (wenn im Knast zu sitzen irgendwie angenehm
sein kann...). Egal, wer also zu Hause mal ein tape aufnehmen will/ kann,
der sollte dies schleunigst tun! Die tapes müssen durchsichtig sein und
können entweder direkt zum Emittlungs-Ausschuss in Genua geschickt werden,
oder an die Unterstützer/Innen-Gruppe der Genua-Gefangenen in Berlin.
Adressen stehen am Ende dieser Mail!
ermittlungs-ausschuss genua: citta aperta, vico dell agnello
2/6, 16124 genova, italien.
c/o infoladen daneben, liebigstrasse 34, 10247
Informationen, Protestadressen und -faxe: http://www.no-racism.net/nobordertour/
Spenden: Volxtheaterkarawane, Kto.
Nr. 00078653843, BLZ 60.000 (PSK)
Verwendungszweck: no border