Click on one of the images below to see hundreds of high quality pictures of my cars and other great cars.In the video gallery you can find a couple of very nice movies I made during the last few years - don`t miss them.
I have also included a page with tons of pictures from Cadillac events and some other car related stuff like a nice gallery with beautiful cars and girls.
persian lime
1974 Coupe DeVille
the best 70s color
The 70s had some wild colors. Persian Lime Firemist is one of the craziest I think...
the picture gallery
the video gallery
My wife and I both work for TV and film productions behind the camera as cinematographers and editors. Here you can find some videos we shot at various events and about our cars.
the video gallery
cars & girls
beautiful cars and ladies
We did a couple of photoshootings in the past which did not only involve shooting beautiful cars, but also some really lovely ladies who posed for us… Here are a couple of pictures we shot.
cars & girls
My favorite pictures
simply the best
pictures i like the most
In this gallery you can find the pictures I like the most from my website. My wife and I both are photographers and like to take a lot of pictures.
the picture gallery
All the pictures on this website were either taken by my wife or myself. Some pictures were sent in by other Cadillac fans of their cars and are marked accordingly with their copyright information.

© Copyright
All pictures are copyrighted!
All rights reserved!
Please ask if you want to use my pictures for whatever purpose!
I have no problem sharing them - but please ask for permission first!